Kabardino-Balkaria, town of Tyrnyauz, 2013.  3rd year pupils at the lesson of Balkar language in boarding secondary school N7. Photo:  (C) Boarding secondary school N7, town of Tyrnyauz, http://elbint7.edu07.ru

13 March 2014, 00:48

KBR starts collecting signatures in support of primary education in native languages

In the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (KBR), the initiative group of workers of culture, scientists, writers, and human rights defenders has sent an open appeal to Yuri Kokov, the leader of the republic, asking to organize education and training for children in pre-school educational institutions and primary schools in their native languages.

At present, the status of the native languages – Kabardian and Balkar – is extremely crucial. This was stated by the appeal sent by the initiative group and addressed to the leader of the republic. On March 11, the appeal was posted on the website of the KBR's human rights centre.

"In direct violation of the constitutional norms of the Russian Federation and the KBR, the Kabardian and Balkar languages have been long ago pushed out of the main spheres of the activities of the KBR's society... The processes most important for lives of Kabardian and Balkar nationals are realized without their native languages. The status of "state languages" provided by the Constitution of the KBR for the Kabardian and Balkar languages became nothing else than a formality," the document states.

Author: Asya Kapaeva Source: CK correspondent

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