Special operation. Photo: http://nac.gov.ru/kontrterroristicheskie-operacii/v-hode-kto-v-dagestane-neytralizovany-chetvero.html

23 May 2017, 11:06

Human rights defenders criticize law enforcers' unwillingness to discuss struggle against radicalism in Caucasus

On May 22, Moscow launched meetings of the roundtable on the topic "Problems and best practices for counteracting the radicalization of young people in Northern Caucasus". The event was organized by the Human Rights Centre (HRC) "Memorial" and the newspaper "Novaya Gazeta" with the expert support of the International Crisis Group (ICC).

At the very beginning of the first day of the meeting, Oleg Orlov, a member of the HRC "Memorial", has stated that the organizers had the desire to hold the event not only with the participation of human rights defenders and experts, but also with representatives of the authorities.

"Terrorist ideology has attracted a part of our fellow citizens, and we must offer alternatives to it both from the side of civil society and the authorities. However, finally, the authorities did not want to take part in the roundtable organized by human rights defenders," said Oleg Orlov. He has expressed an opinion that the reason may be in recognition of the HRC "Memorial" as a foreign agent. The human rights defender has also added that in one of the republics, delegates refused to participate in the event "at the last minute."

According to Irina Gordienko, a reporter of the "Novaya Gazeta", Oleg Orlov talked of Ingushetia, and the roundtable was planned to be held there. "Indeed, many human rights organizations are recognized as foreign agents, and that forces local authorities to take the faint-hearted attitude and refuse to communicate. It turns out that it is easier to meet in Moscow to discuss the problems of the Caucasus," said Irina Gordienko.

Svetlana Gannushkina, the chair of the Civic Assistance Committee, has expressed the opinion that the decision of the regional authorities to refuse a dialogue with human rights defenders was made under the influence of the FSB. "Representatives of Ingush public institutions were apparently instructed by the centre," noted the human rights activist.

Full text of the article is available on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’.

Author: Rustam Djalilov Source: CK correspondent

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