Murad Amriev with his sister, Grozny, June 10, 2017. Photo by Kheda Saratova for the Caucasian Knot.

04 July 2017, 18:48

Rights defenders report law enforcers' attempt to detain athlete Murad Amriev

Athlete Murad Amriev had to hide from the police in Pyatigorsk, since he was put on the federal wanted list base. This was reported by the "Committee for the Prevention of Torture".

The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that on June 8, it became known that Murad Amriev was detained in Belarus, since he was wanted on suspicion of using a fraudulent document. On June 9, Murad Amriev was brought to the temporary detention facility of the Staropromyslovskiy ROVD (District Interior Division) in Grozny. However, in the same evening he was released under recognizance not to leave.

On June 8, Zurab Amriev, Murad's brother, stated that he had been regarded to be an organizer of an attempt on a high-ranking policeman; and the deliberately persecute Murad Amriev in order to force Zurab to return to Chechnya.

On June 14, Murad Amriev filed a motion for closure of the criminal case against him in connection with the expiration of the statute of limitations. On June 15, it became known that the case against Murad Amriev had been closed.

According to the public organization "Committee for the Prevention of Torture", after receiving the decision on the closure of the criminal case against him, Murad Amriev left for Pyatigorsk.

"In Pyatigorsk, he lived in an apartment rented by a member of the 'Committee for the Prevention of Torture'. In the evening of July 3, 2017, a district police inspector came to the apartment to check the tenants' IDs. The policeman wrote down the passport data of Murad Amriev and left. The athlete realized that policemen would return and chose to immediately leave Pyatigorsk," reports the message posted on the website of the "Committee for the Prevention of Torture".

According to the human rights defenders, literally an hour later, "about a dozen policemen armed with submachine guns and wearing body armour came to the apartment." According to the policemen, Murad Amriev is still on the federal wanted list base.

An advocate of Murad Amriev filed a complaint to the Grozny OVD (Interior Division) No. 3 about the failure to exclude the Murad Amriev's name from the wanted list.

Full text of the article is available on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’.

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