Darya Polyudova. Photo https://golos-kubani.ru

25 December 2022, 23:22

Kuban activist Polyudova* sentenced to nine years in prison

A court in Moscow has sentenced Darya Polyudova*, an activist from Kuban (Krasnodar Territory), to nine years in prison, finding her guilty of creating an extremist community and publicly justifying terrorism.

The Second Western District Military Court in Moscow has sentenced Darya Polyudova, the founder of the "Left-Hand Resistance"* movement, to nine years in prison. She is already serving her six-year sentence for justifying terrorism, the "Krasnodar Online" outlet reports.

Polyudova was found guilty of creating an extremist community and publicly justifying terrorist activities, the "Kavkaz Realii"** project has reported. The new sentence was handed down taking into account her previous prison term, the "Kommersant" writes.

Let us remind you that on May 31, 2021, a court in Moscow sentenced Polyudova* to six years in prison. The reason for the criminal prosecution was in her publications in a social network, in which she, according to the court, justified the activities of Chechen field commanders Shamil Basaev and Aslan Maskhadov, as well as Evgeny Manyurov, who in December 2019 opened fire near the FSB building in Moscow.

In December 2021, a new case was opened against Darya. According to the FSB, she had created a movement in order to publicly justify terrorism and extremism.

This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on December 24, 2022 at 07:55 am MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

Source: Caucasian Knot

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