28 January 2023, 21:11

Resident of Khabarovsk Territory arrested for appealing to Kadyrov

Zakhar Zaripov, a resident of the Khabarovsk Territory, was arrested on the charge of incitement to terrorism. According to the investigators’ version, when addressing the leader of Chechnya in LiveJournal, Zakhar Zaripov called for the violation of the territorial integrity of Russia.

On January 25, Zakhar Zaripov was detained after a search of his house, during which law enforcers confiscated his computer and mobile phone, the human rights project “OVD-Info”* reported with reference to a friend of the arrested man.

According to the investigators’ version, in March 2022, Zakhar Zaripov published a post under the nickname of scribble_33, in which, after the start of the military operation in Ukraine, he gave advice to Ramzan Kadyrov. Linguistic expertise detected in the Zakhar Zaripov’s signs “the incitement to an armed seizure of power in order to violate the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation.”

Zakhar Zaripov is an activist who participated in protests in the Khabarovsk Territory. In 2020, he held rallies against the arrest of Governor Sergey Furgal. Zakhar Zaripov has a little daughter and a pregnant wife.

The “Caucasian Knot” has reported that appeals to Ramzan Kadyrov, in particular, by residents of Chechnya, more than once became a reason for public apologies. So, in December 2015, Aishat Inaeva, who complained about the difficult situation of residents of Chechnya in her audio message, retracted her words on the recording of the “Grozny” ChGTRK (State TV and Radio Broadcasting Company) and asked for pardon from Ramzan Kadyrov.

*Included by the Russian Ministry of Justice (MoJ) into the register of foreign agents.

This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on January 27, 2022 at 08:24 pm MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

Source: Caucasian Knot

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