Ramzan Kadyrov (on the left), Dmitry Peskov. Collage by the "Caucasian Knot." Photos: Grozny Inform https://www.grozny-inform.ru, kremlin.ru

04 March 2023, 15:49

Kremlin reacts to Kadyrov's call for martial law

The decision to introduce the martial law is made by the president, Dmitry Peskov, President Putin's press secretary, has recalled in his comment on the proposal of the head of Chechnya to tighten the regime in some Russian regions after the attack committed in the Bryansk Region. For the second time in five months, the Kremlin has responded to Ramzan Kadyrov's call to impose the martial law.

The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that on March 2, Kadyrov called for "dealing cruelly with all the attackers" in the Bryansk Region and for bringing their families to justice. The martial law should be also introduced "with the maximum response level" in some Russian regions, the head of Chechnya has stated.

On March 2, the governor of the Bryansk Region reported that "Ukrainian saboteurs" attacked local residents in the village of Lyubechane, near the border with Ukraine. According to his story, the attackers shelled a car, as a result a man was killed and a child was wounded.

According to Mr Peskov, no decisions were made to impose the martial law because of the attack on the Bryansk Region, the TASS reports.

It should be noted here that this is not the first time that Kadyrov offered to introduce the martial law. Thus, on October 1, 2022, after the decision of the Russian Ministry of Defence (MoD) to withdraw troops from Krasny Liman, he suggested to introduce the martial law in the border areas and use nuclear weapons.

Then, Dmitry Peskov noted that emotions are inappropriate in assessing the MoD's actions, although Kadyrov, as the region head, has the right to express his opinion.

Kadyrov is the only regional leader who publicly argues with Mr Putin's press secretary, Oleg Orlov, a human rights defender, and Maxim Shevchenko, a journalist, have noted.

This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on March 3, 2023 at 03:05 pm MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

Source: Caucasian Knot

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