Video showing beating up Nikita Zhuravel. Screenshot of the video posted by Akhmed Dudaev on September 25, 2023

27 September 2023, 12:44

Chechen propagandists start justifying Kadyrov and his son

After Ramzan Kadyrov has posted the video, in which his son Adam beats up Nikita Zhuravel, who was arrested in the case of burning the Koran, a petition appeared on the Internet demanding to bring Ramzan and his son to justice. Network users have stressed the inadmissibility of such actions, while Chechen propagandists are trying to whitewash Kadyrov and his son.

The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that Kadyrov had praised his son for beating up Nikita Zhuravel. Marina Akhmedova and Eva Merkacheva, members of the Human Rights Council, have noted that Kadyrov had demonstrated disregard for Russian laws.

Artyom Kutlovsky, a lawyer who collaborates with the "First Division" human rights project, is sure that the actions of Kadyrov's 15-year-old son fall under the criminal offense of causing harm to one's health. He has emphasized that Ramzan Kadyrov's actions could become grounds for his resignation.

The above petition demanding that Adam Kadyrov be brought to justice was posted on the "Change.Org" website.

Meanwhile, Akhmed Dudaev, the Chechen Minister of Press, has posted a video in his Telegram channel in which he justified Adam Kadyrov's actions by the fact that Nikita Zhuravel said that he had burned the Koran for money.

In his turn, Chingiz Akhmadov, Director of the Chechen State TV and Radio Broadcasting Company (ChGTRK) "Grozny" asserts in his Telegram channel that "Adam Kadyrov had publicly called the criminal to account; and did what he had to do."

In its Telegram channel, the ChGTRK "Grozny" has launched a vote asking the question: "Do you support the actions of Adam Kadyrov?" A number of users have noted that the voting was launched to show public support for Adam Kadyrov's actions; and votes are being cheated.

Some users were outraged by Adam Kadyrov's actions towards the prisoner. "Kadyrov Jr. must be judged to the fullest extent of the law. <...> If this is a subject of Russia, then on what basis has religion here become superior to the laws of a secular state?" the user Vladimir has written, in particular.

This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on September 26, 2023 at 00:01 am MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

Source: Caucasian Knot

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