A picket held by Idris Yusupov. Screenshot of the photo posted on the Telegram channel  of the "Chernovik" (Draft) outlet on November 7, 2023 https://t.me/chernovik/62799

08 November 2023, 21:37

Palestine-supporting picket sparks reaction from Makhachkala townspeople

Residents of Makhachkala have actively responded to solo actions in support of the Dagestani journalist, Abdulmumin Gadjiev, and residents of Palestine, held by Gadjiev's colleagues. The actions in support of Palestine reflect the sentiments of the majority of Dagestanis, passers-by have noted.

The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that on November 6, Magomed Magomedov held a picket demanding the release of the convicted Abdulmumin Gadjiev, and journalist Idris Yusupov spoke out in support of Palestinians.

Many passers-by and car drivers have reacted to the picket "Freedom for Palestine", Idris Yusupov has noted. According to his story, this demand is relevant, since the bombing of the Gaza Strip continues, and Israel has launched a surface operation accompanied by numerous civilian victims.

The slogan "Freedom for Palestine" is relevant among Dagestanis primarily from the viewpoint of humanity; therefore almost all Dagestanis can support this picket, regardless of religious and other differences, says Magomed, a resident of Dagestan.

"Of course, there's compassion, and also because we and they are Muslims," said Shamil, a Makhachkala resident, adding that Dagestanis feel compassion for Palestinians regardless of their religious views.

Patimat, a woman from of Makhachkala, has called such a picket "an expression of compassion and simple humanity."

This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on November 7, 2023 at 10:27 pm MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

Source: СK correspondent

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