Arsen Abdulkadirov. Screenshot

14 March 2024, 22:56

Dagestan: court rules to arrest a law enforcer within torture case

Arsen Abdulkadirov, a former deputy head of the criminal investigation division of the Sovietsky ROVD (District Interior Division) of Makhachkala, has been arrested until April 21 within the case of torture and causing death by negligence, the Sovietsky District Court of Makhachkala has informed.

The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that on February 22, investigators reported 13 defendants within the case of Dalgatov's death. On March 11, the "Chernovik" outlet reported, citing its sources, that the above Arsen Abdulkadirov was also detained as a suspect.

Dalgatov died on January 20, 2023, in a Makhachkala police station. His relatives asserted that he had died of asphyxiation after he was "hit by electric shocks to the heart area."

As reported by the RIA "Dagestan" with reference to the press service of the above District Court of Makhachkala, according to investigators, Abdulkadirov, "by contributing to the concealment of the crime after the victim's death, having been called to the place where the incident had occurred, took part in delivering Dalgatov's body to the hospital with the aim of allegedly providing medical assistance."

The case under which Arsen Abdulkadirov has been arrested has to do with the torture and death of Kurban Dalgatov, the "Chernovik" and the RGVK (Republic's State Broadcasting Company) "Dagestan" have informed in their Telegram channels.

This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on March 13, 2024 at 06:15 pm MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

Source: Caucasian Knot

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