22 August 2008, 20:35

South Ossetia urges Russia to recognize its independence

Today, the Parliament of South Ossetia has adopted an appeal to President of Russia and Federal Assembly with a request to recognize the independence of this republic.

We remind you that Abkhazia has also sent an appeal of its President and Parliament on recognition of its independence to Russia.

The text of the appeal presents the following justification: "The 17-years-long period of the independent existence of the Republic of South Ossetia has completely confirmed the viability of the country. The republic now possesses all the necessary features and attributes of a sovereign state; organization and operation of its institutes comply with the criteria of a democratic, lawful and social state based on the principles of representative democracy and separation of powers."

The document quoted by the RIA "Novosti" also remarks that, outgoing from the right of nations to self-determination, with account of the current realities of the political-legal evolvement and development of South Ossetia as a sovereign state, in view of impossibility of coexistence of Georgia and South Ossetia in one state, the Parliament of the Republic appeals to President of Russia, the Council of Federation and the State Duma of the Federal Assembly with a request to recognize independence of the Republic of South Ossetia.

Meanwhile, the ITAR-TASS reports that the extraordinary plenary session of the State Duma on situation in South Ossetia will take place on August 25, at midday Moscow time.

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