27 March 2007, 22:24

Fighters of GRU's "Gorets" special detachment could be involved in Politkovskaya's murder

On Tuesday, mass media made public a new version of Anna Politkovskaya's death. The assassination of the journalists could have been committed by the fighters of the detachment once under command of Movladi Baisarov, who was killed in Moscow soon after Politkovskaya's murder, namely, the "Gorets" (Mountaineer) special unit under the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Russian General Staff (known as "GRU"), the "Echo Moskvy" Radio Station informs. While the order to kill the journalist could have originated from Ramzan Kadyrov, today's president of Chechnya.

A resonant confession was made by former members of Movladi Baisarov's detachment who have published an open letter in the web site of the human rights movement "For Human Rights." Three former fighters are telling about the activities of Baisarov and the history of his conflict with Ramzan Kadyrov, which has started after the murder of Ahmad Kadyrov, father of the current president of Chechnya.

We remind you that Anna Politkovskaya, journalist of the "Novaya Gazeta" newspaper, shot dead on October 7 last year, was known, first of all, for her materials on Chechnya and North Caucasus.

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