28 May 2007, 20:39

Izmailov: two residents of Chechnya are Politkovskaya's killers

Anna Politkovskaya's colleagues from the "Novaya Gazeta" have progressed a lot in their investigation and found it necessary to tell the story. "We have identified the customers of the murder," Vyacheslav Izmailov, a former officer of the Russian Army, now a journalist of the newspaper engaged in the investigation, says. "Now, we need to learn whether they had acted independently or were connected with the Russian secret agencies."

The two suspects, to whom the journalists' investigation is pointing, are high-ranking Chechen officials of the regime installed by Moscow. The position of one of them assumes some links with the FSB (Federal Security Bureau). After Anna's murder, the suspects or their confidants were appointed to higher posts. To safeguard themselves, the editorial staff of the "Novaya Gazeta" has reported their names to the BBC, New York Committee to Protect Journalists and Liberation.

The "Novaya Gazeta" journalists have decided that are obliged to tell about this Chechen trace because the official investigation, in their opinion, has lost the track, the Newsru informs.

The "Caucasian Knot" has informed earlier that Terry Davis, Secretary General of the Council of Europe, expressed his concern of the fact that the murder of journalist Anna Politkovskaya has not been opened yet. He has also stated that the "poor investigation" of journalists' murders in Russia is causing the growing anxiety.

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