

July 20, 2022 18:17

  • Flags of Georgia and NATO. Photo by Inna Kukudzhanova for the Cauacasian Knot Democratic values as a criterion for Georgia’s accession to NATO

    The issue of Georgia’s integration into NATO directly depends on the implementation by the authorities of the country of the conditions developed by the European Union (EU). The North Atlantic Alliance includes democratic countries, and not only compliance in the field of security and defence is important for a country to become a NATO member, Georgian experts believe.

July 20, 2022 13:24

July 20, 2022 12:56

  • The village of Agaly of the Zangilan District. Image made from video posted by CBC TV Azerbaijan, Forced migrants' families begin returning to Zangilan District

    A total of 1357 out of 1457 internally displaced persons (IDPs, or forced migrants) have expressed their desire to return to the village of Agaly in the Zangilan District, which, following the results of the 2020 autumn war, came under Azerbaijan's control. At the first stage, it is planned to move 41 families; ten families have already done it.

July 20, 2022 10:47

  • Vadim Cheldiev  in a courtroom, July 19, 2022. Photo: Social network users outraged by Cheldiev's sentence

    Ten years in prison, appointed by the court to Vadim Cheldiev, an opera singer from North Ossetia, has outraged social network users. This sentence is unusually severe; it aims at intimidating other people who want to express their protest, users have emphasized.

July 20, 2022 10:29

  • A patient of a clinic for drug addicts. Photo: Askhabov's case draws attention to rehabs' uncertain status

    At the rehab (rehabilitation centre for drug addicts), where Magomed Askhabov, a resident of Dagestan, ended up, patients were forced to sign agreements; and they were made volunteers, the journalist, Svetlana Anokhina, has stated. The work of rehabs is practically not controlled; such institutions are not required to have licenses, the lawyer, Osip Drozdovsky, has noted.

July 20, 2022 08:50

July 20, 2022 08:39

  • Ibragim Yangulbaev. Screenshot: Yangulbaev brothers name their mother's kidnappers

    Four law enforcers from Chechnya took part in the abduction of Zarema Musaeva, Ibragim Yangulbaev said, revealing their names. His brother, Abubakar Yangulbaev, entered into a public dialogue with one of these law enforcers when the latter declared that he was "ready for any form of duel."

July 20, 2022 08:27

July 19, 2022 23:43

July 19, 2022 23:23

  • Petr Parpulov. Photo by Svetlana Kravchenko for the Caucasian Knot Court releases cancer patient Pyotr Parpulov

    Today, a court has ruled that Sochi resident Pyotr Parpulov, sentenced to 12 years of imprisonment in a case on high treason, will be released. Pyotr Parpulov suffers from an oncological disease, and he needs hospitalization, his daughter reports.

July 19, 2022 19:04

July 19, 2022 18:33

July 19, 2022 18:12

July 19, 2022 13:31

  • Valery Chechelashvili, Nika Chitadze. Photo:: Franz Johann Morgenbesser; DWA Political analysts treat Georgian authorities' situation on "deoligarchization" as hopeless

    Bidzina Ivanishvili, a Georgian oligarch, has managed to export his huge capitals from Russia, and in exchange for this he could take on the commitment to promote the pro-Russian agenda in Georgia. However, authorities of the European Union (EU) have toughened their position towards reducing Ivanishvili's influence on the decisions of Georgian authorities; and the ruling "Georgian Dream" Party can only use the "deoligarchization" in order to increase its ratings before the 2024 parliamentary elections, the political analysts interviewed by the "Caucasian Knot" have noted.

July 19, 2022 13:14

July 19, 2022 10:43

  • Military uniform. Photo by Alvard Grigoryan for the Caucasian Knot Rights defenders count losses among militaries of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh

    In the first half of this year, as a result of violating the ceasefire regime, nine military servicemen of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh perished, while during the same period of 2021, there were only three casualties, human rights defenders have informed. On the contrary, the non-combat losses decreased by five people.

July 19, 2022 10:26

July 19, 2022 08:35

July 19, 2022 08:22

July 18, 2022 22:49

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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