

March 28, 2019 14:45

  • Female pilot accuses Georgian MoD of discrimination

    In its lawsuit filed to the Tbilisi City Court, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) for Georgia demanded from armed forces female pilot Ekaterina Kvlividze to pay a fine for the premature termination of her contract. In response, the armed forces pilot filed a lawsuit against the Georgian MoD.

March 28, 2019 11:36

  • NGO activists refuse treating David Kirkitadze's case as political

    The defence of David Kirkitadze, an activist of the "United National Movement" (UNM) oppositional party, has demanded to remove Judge Nuna Nemsitsveridze from running the trial on the attack on the policeman, arguing that she is biased about the case. Oppositional activists treat the charges as political; however, there are no reasons for this, the NGO activists interviewed by the "Caucasian Knot" believe.

March 28, 2019 11:28

  • Participant of the ceremony conducted by the "Tashir" Fund, Stepanakert, Nagorno-Karabakh, March 21, 2019. Photo by Alvard Grigoryan for the Caucasian Knot Over 200 NKR families receive payments for birth of fourth child

    The "Tashir" Charitable Fund has paid 4000 US dollars to each of the families, in which the fourth child was born in 2018. These payments have affected the increase in the birth rate of fourth children, Samvel Avanesyan, the Minister for Social Matters, Labour and Migration of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR), has stated.

March 28, 2019 11:17

March 28, 2019 08:19

  • Kvaratskheliya's relatives question his suicide

    Relatives found bruises on the body of Irakli Kvaratskheliya, who died after being detained in Abkhazia. He was very religious and could hardly commit suicide, his relatives in Georgia and Abkhazia assert.

March 28, 2019 08:14

March 28, 2019 08:08

March 27, 2019 23:05

March 27, 2019 22:59

  • Participants of a protest rally at the entrance to Nazran, March 27, 2019. Screenshot from video 'Criminal Russia - Caucasus', Activists unblock entrance to Nazran

    After the appeal by Akhmet Pogorov, the co-chairman of the Congress of the Ingush People, to gather in the mosque, the protesters, who had blocked the highway at the entrance to Nazran, began dispersing.

March 27, 2019 22:46

March 27, 2019 18:56

March 27, 2019 18:47

March 27, 2019 13:55

  • Serviceman of Nagorno-Karabakh Army. Photo by Alvard Grigoryan for the Caucasian Knot Soldier killed in Nagorno-Karabakh

    In the evening on March 26, a soldier of Nagorno-Karabakh was fatally wounded under unclear circumstances, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) reports today.

March 27, 2019 13:46

March 27, 2019 13:37

March 27, 2019 12:24

  • At a polling station in Chartar, Martuninsky District of Nagorno-Karabakh, January 18, 2015. Photo by Alvard Grigoryan for the Caucasian Knot NKR: initiative of "Sasna Tsrer" provokes discontent of pro-government parties

    The "Sasna Tsrer" Party, which organized the collection of signatures for the annexation of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR) to Armenia, reported that it had collected 230 signatures in support of the initiative. Three parties in the parliament of the unrecognized republic condemned the collection of signatures and spoke for the independence of the NKR.

March 27, 2019 11:56

  • Mikhail Benyash with his advocate Felix Vertigel. Photo by Anna Gritsevich for the Caucasian Knot Mikhail Benyash's defence catches Krasnodar officials on false testimonies

    At trial, two officials from the district administrations of Krasnodar reported how participants in the protest action against the pension reform were detained and how Mikhail Benyash was brought to the UVD (Interior Department). Witnesses were physically unable to observe both events, since they had occurred in different places at the same time, the defence noted.

March 27, 2019 09:17

March 27, 2019 08:31

  • Soldier at the contact line. Photo: press service of the Ministry of Defence of Armenia, Militaries start shootout on Armenian-Azerbaijani border

    Azerbaijani military servicemen have tried to bring their positions closer to the Armenian ones and opened fire in response to the warning, the Armenian Ministry of Defence (MoD) has stated. In its turn, the Azerbaijani MoD refuted this information, announcing the death of its soldier in another section of the frontline.

March 27, 2019 08:24

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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