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May 18, 2007 20:37

May 18, 2007 20:21

May 17, 2007 23:50

May 17, 2007 23:41

May 17, 2007 23:33

May 17, 2007 22:37

May 17, 2007 22:34

  • IHF: amnestied militants are persecuted in Chechnya

    Today, the International Helsinki Federation (IHF) has published its report "Amnestied Persons as Persecution Objects in Chechnya." It narrates the destiny of Chechen residents who were amnestied and then kidnapped, tortured and murdered.

May 17, 2007 22:29

  • Riots continue in Botlikh District of Dagestan

    At night from May 15 to 16, a fight and a skirmish burst out in the outskirts of Botlikh village in Dagestan, as a result of which one person was killed and two more were taken to hospital with injuries.

May 16, 2007 22:56

May 16, 2007 22:47

  • Azerbaijan: court rejects petition of Farkhad Aliev's advocates

    Today, the Azerbaijani Court for Grave Crimes has rejected the petition of the advocates of Farkhad Aliev, ex-Minister for Economic Development of Azerbaijan, his brother Rafik Aliev, president of the "Azpetrol" group of companies, and 17 other defendants who are figurants of the criminal case.

May 16, 2007 22:38

  • Sufyan Beppaev: situation in Kabardino-Balkaria can aggravate

    At the press conference in Nalchik, capital of Kabardino-Balkaria, retired general Sufyan Beppaev, Chairman of the "Alan" Public Organization of the Karachai-Balkar-Ossetian people, has expressed his concern of the fact that the situation in the Republic can aggravate because of the forthcoming elections to the State Duma.

May 16, 2007 22:33

May 16, 2007 22:09

May 15, 2007 22:48

May 15, 2007 22:42

  • Kokoity: authorities of South Ossetia do not block Georgian villages

    President Eduard Kokoity, making comments today on the statement of Prime Minister of Georgia Zurab Nogaideli on imposing the responsibility for the aggravated situation in the Georgian-Ossetian conflict zone on President of the Republic of South Ossetia (RSO), has stated: "South Ossetia has got used to Georgian authorities' accusations against the South-Ossetian party of any escalation of violence. However, the authorities of South Ossetia do not block any Georgian villages."

May 15, 2007 22:34

  • The condition of children ill with unknown disease worsens in Ingushetia

    The state of health of the children in Ingushetia who have fallen ill with unknown disease is getting worse, and their relatives have to treat them for their own money. This is the topic of the complaint of the victims' relatives that has arrived to the "Chechen Committee for National Salvation."

May 15, 2007 22:31

May 15, 2007 22:30

May 14, 2007 22:07

May 14, 2007 21:57

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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