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November 13, 2006 23:59

November 13, 2006 23:58

  • 96 percent vote for Kokoity at South Ossetia presidential election

    Bella Plieva, head of the Central Electoral Commission of South Ossetia, informed that 96% of voters have cast their ballots for Eduard Kokoity, incumbent president of South Ossetia, and so far, ballot papers from 64 out of 78 constituencies, that is about 80% of the total, have been processed.

November 13, 2006 23:51

November 13, 2006 23:50

November 13, 2006 23:08

November 11, 2006 22:51

November 11, 2006 22:49

  • Suspect of Politkovskaya's murder moves his version of the crime

    Militia lieutenant colonel Alexander Prilepin, searched on suspicion of participation in Anna Politkovskaya's murder, gave an interview to journalists of the "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" newspaper, in which he declared his innocence and that the crime was politically motivated.

November 11, 2006 22:46

November 11, 2006 22:43

November 11, 2006 22:26

November 11, 2006 13:05

November 11, 2006 01:43

November 10, 2006 23:23

  • 160 NCOs were successful to reregister in Russia

    A total of 160 non-commercial organizations (NCOs) from 17 countries have passed the reregistration procedure in Russia, including human rights organization "Human Rights Watch" and "Amnesty International."

November 10, 2006 23:13

November 10, 2006 22:35

November 10, 2006 22:31

  • European Court to consider a torture case of Chechnya school teacher

    Today, lawyer Supyan Baskhanov, head of the regional representative office of the Committee Against Tortures in Chechnya, has informed that he received an answer to his complaint on the actions of the officials of the State Office of Public Prosecutor in violation by them of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, laws and regulatory acts of the General Public Prosecutor of the Russian Federation, and the rights of the victim named Alaudin Sadykov.

November 09, 2006 23:25

  • European Court has sustained claims of Chechnya residents

    Today, the European Court for Human Rights has sustained a complaint of Turko Luluev, resident of the city of Gudermes of the Chechen Republic, on disappearance and murder in Chechnya of his mother, and a suit of Marzet Imakaeva, former resident of the village of Novye Atagi, on detainment and disappearance of her son and husband.

November 09, 2006 23:24

November 09, 2006 23:22

November 09, 2006 22:13

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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