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January 13, 2005 23:46

  • Azerbaijan opposition may unite

    "It's time for all democratic forces to unite and put an end to authoritarianism in Azerbaijan," said chair of the Azerbaijan Popular Front Party Ali Kerimli.

January 13, 2005 23:37

January 12, 2005 23:57

January 12, 2005 23:32

January 12, 2005 23:20

January 11, 2005 23:52

  • Yeni Musavat published again

    The publication of one of the main newspapers of the Azerbaijan opposition, Yeni Musavat, was resumed on January 10. It happened due to "the latest financial means", announced editors of the newspaper.

January 11, 2005 23:48

  • European Court considers Viktoria Sypchenko's claim

    The European Court of Human Rights is considering a claim of Viktoria Sypchenko, a resident of the town of Bataysk, Rostov Region. Earlier, she was put on probation for three years under the article "Fraud". Viktoria was pregnant, nevertheless she was under arrest in the course of investigation.

January 11, 2005 23:03

  • Abkhazian parties, NGOs declare against presidential election

    "The time given for the preparation and holding of the election sufficed only for continuation of the chosen tactics ? to come to power by all means, but not for the holding of the fair election of the head of state," leaders of some Abkhazian parties and non-governmental organizations announced in a joint statement.

January 10, 2005 21:52

January 10, 2005 21:49

  • Beaten journalist checked up in Georgia

    The state of Alan Parastayev, director of the Center for Humanitarian Initiatives and Studies beaten by officers of the South Osetian Interior Ministry, has improved.

January 06, 2005 23:37

January 05, 2005 22:03

  • Local functionaries 'take journalists as servants', says journalist

    The Kabardino-Balkarian Interior Ministry refused accreditation to Fatima Tlisova saying bluntly that the reason for it lay in her position as a journalist. In Karachaevo-Cherkessia, an attempt was made to accuse her of illegal receiving a pension and institute criminal proceedings against her.

January 04, 2005 23:26

  • Policemen beat journalist

    Journalist Alan Parastayev, director of the Center for Humanitarian Studies and Initiatives, was savagely beaten on the Transkam road near the Osetia tourist center at about 11 p.m. on December 30, when he made an attempt to obtain from South Osetian law enforcers information about a column of cars they had detained earlier.

January 03, 2005 23:36

  • Quality of oil pipeline under question

    In his interview with the Caucasian Knot correspondent, head of the Monitoring Group to Examine Pipeline Systems in Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey Mais Gyulaliyev claimed that low quality pipes are used to construct the Baku-Tbilisi-Jeikhan oil pipeline.

December 30, 2004 23:52

  • No meeting between Zhvania and Kokoity

    The informal meeting between Georgian Prime Minister Zurab Zhvania and leader of the breakaway republic of South Osetia Eduard Kokoity that was much expected has not taken place. Mr Zhvania told journalists that "Mr Kokoity has a habit of changing plans at the last moment".

December 30, 2004 23:49

December 30, 2004 23:45

  • Azerbaijan president signs pardon decree

    This decree grants a pardon to 54 convicts, including Sardar Gamidov, the former head of Azerbaijan's Tertersky district executive power and brother of ex-minister of foreign affairs Iskander Gamidov.

December 29, 2004 23:56

  • People go missing in Chechnya

    "Sessions of the Government, the Security Council, and the Interior Ministry are broadcast every day. Everybody claims we should fight hard against the abductors of people, but nothing happens in reality," an abducted man's close relative said.

December 29, 2004 23:31

December 29, 2004 23:29

  • Municipal officials expelled from opposition parties

    Those members of the Azerbaijan Democratic Party (ADP)who took part in the municipal elections regardless of the party's decision to boycott the elections will be punished, ADP secretary for ideology Aydin Guliyev told the Caucasian Knot correspondent.

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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