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September 23, 2003 18:28

  • Chechen refugees went on hunger-strike

    Not only refugees of the "Bella" camp are taking part in the hunger-strike, but displaced persons from the neighboring tent camps "Satsita", "Sputnik", and "Alina". They show solidarity with their fellow sufferers in such a way.

September 23, 2003 18:23

September 23, 2003 18:19

September 23, 2003 16:30

September 23, 2003 16:28

September 23, 2003 14:37

September 23, 2003 14:35

September 23, 2003 14:33

September 23, 2003 14:31

September 23, 2003 12:39

  • Ravil Gainutdin: "We are not interested in having Moslems join the extremist ranks"

    Speaking in Moscow at the conference "Tolerance as the Basis for the Well-Being of Multinational Russia", Gainutdin said he thought the so-called Wahhabi sentiments among some of the young Moslems were caused by the poor quality of Islamic education, the inability to communicate with extremist-minded people and make them change their mind.

September 23, 2003 12:32

  • Mass clashes in Baku

    Mass clashes occurred in downtown Baku on September 21 between supporters of the "Musavat" party leader Isa Gambar running for presidency and police. The incident sparked several minutes before Gambar's meeting with voters.

September 22, 2003 21:21

September 22, 2003 17:41

September 22, 2003 16:11

September 22, 2003 15:32

September 22, 2003 15:29

  • US leading Moslem organization supports resolution on Genocide

    The Council of American-Islamic Relations joined the group supporting the US Congress resolution that commemorates the 15th anniversary of the United States ratification of the UN Convention on Genocide, in which the Armenian Genocide in Ottoman Turkey at the beginning of the last century is mentioned.

September 22, 2003 14:16

September 22, 2003 13:12

September 22, 2003 13:10

September 22, 2003 12:07

  • Pre-election passions run high

    An extemporaneous meeting of people showing support for Shamil Burayev's candidacy for the post of the Chechen Republic's president was held in Achkhoy-Martan, Chechnya's district center, on September 13. Shamil Burayev is a former district administration head dismissed from his post by "Chechnya's Acting President" Akhmad Kadyrov on the threshold of the elections.

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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