19 November 2009, 21:00

Several hazing criminal cases opened in Baltic Fleet against servicemen from Dagestan

In the Kaliningrad Region, a prosecutor's check has established that a group of sailors recruited from Dagestan had repeatedly hazed their younger colleagues recruited to the Baltic Fleet in spring of 2009.

Let us remind you that this July the "Caucasian Knot" also wrote about mass cases of non-statutory relations with involvement of recruits from Dagestan in the motorized-rifle brigade deployed in the city of Alaisk in the Altai Territory.

As reported by the General Prosecutor's Office, on November 5-13, seven criminal cases were opened on facts of beatings and robberies in the crews of the Baltic Fleet deployed in the city of Pionerskiy, Kaliningrad Region. The Military Prosecutor's Office made presentations to the command instructing to eliminate the revealed violations of the law.

Additionally, a group of officers from the Chief Military Prosecutor's Office was sent to Kaliningrad for holding similar checks in other units and detachments of the Fleet, as reported by the RBC.

According to the materials of the Committee of Soldiers' Mothers, 38 sailors from Pionerskiy have complained that recruits from Northern Caucasus for a long time extorted their money, took away their mobile phones, new uniform and food, meal, forced to sing their national mountain songs and dances. Besides, according to sailors, for the sake of entertainment, the culprits made the word "Kavkaz" in Latin letters from the bodies of hackneyed seamen. The act of hooliganism was photographed on a mobile phone.

The Committee of Soldiers' Mothers has noted that neither officers nor old-timers could stop the mockeries. In the opinion of mothers, they were afraid of Dagestanians.

So far, according to preliminary data, only eight natives of Dagestan are under threat of punishment; their guilt is confirmed by numerous evidences of victims and witnesses. However, according to the Committee, there are much more infringers, as the "Vesti.Ru" reports.

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