22 September 2011, 22:20

Azerbaijani Diaspora in Germany holds protest action in Stuttgart

Representative of Azerbaijani Diaspora in Germany held a picket in the city of Stuttgart to protest against the concert "The 20th Anniversary of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic."

Earlier, by the "Caucasian Knot" has reported that the protest action against holding from September 16 to 22 within the Days of Armenian Culture the programme dedicated to Nagorno-Karabakh was organized by "The Coordination Centre of Azerbaijanis in Germany."

On the day of the concert, on September 19, the protest action was held in Stuttgart, which was attended by representatives of the Azerbaijani Diaspora organizations and by Azerbaijani students studying in Germany.

Speaking at the protest action, Bashar Kemur, President of the Congress of European Azerbaijanis, called the celebration of "the 20th anniversary of Nagorno-Karabakh" "the wrong step," which failed to fit any legal regulations. Participants of the action distributed among local residents and visitors coming to the concert the brochures and books on the history of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, the IA "The First News" reports.

The protests actions against the participation of representatives of Nagorno-Karabakh in the Days of Armenia began in Germany yet in July. The actions were attended by representatives of government institutions and the Diaspora organizations.

The Embassy of Azerbaijan to Germany sent a protest note to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany, held talks and took steps on the political level to prevent the concert.

The Honorary Consulate of Azerbaijan in Stuttgart sent letters of protest to the leadership of the city and the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg, participants of the Days of Armenian Culture and the Armenian Diaspora in Baden-Wuerttemberg.

The Coordination Centre of Azerbaijanis in Germany (CCAG) sent letters of protest to all Diaspora organizations, active in the country, and informed them about the concert scheduled on September 19 in the district of Bad Cannstatt of the city of Stuttgart calling to express written protest against the event. The CCAG also sent numerous letters of protest to government institutions of Germany, the IA "Trend" reports.

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