23 September 2011, 23:30

Rostov Prosecutor's Office fines people guilty of poisoning children in Veshenskaya

The Prosecutor's Office of the Rostov Region has imposed fines from 1 to 10 thousand roubles on the persons guilty of poisoning schoolchildren in the village of Veshenskaya.

The "Caucasian Knot" correspondent was told at the press service of the Office that the sanctions were passed after the prosecutor's check in the Veshenskaya secondary school, which revealed violations of sanitary and epidemiological regulations.

Let us remind you that on September 8-9, three pupils were hospitalized in Veshenskaya, Sholokhov District, with poisoning.

According to the regional "Rospotrebnadzor" (Russian Federal Agency for Consumer Supervision), in total, six pupils and a teacher of the school had addressed doctors - all complaining of nausea, vomiting and high temperature. The inspection found violations of the sanitary-anti-epidemiological regime and nutrition of pupils at the school.

According to the results of laboratory studies of the samples, the inconsistency of microbiological indicators of the tap water and the water from the drinking fountain was revealed.

Also, according to the prosecutor's office, the school failed to meet the requirements for conducting preventive medical examination of school employees. Along with this, the inspection of the Limited Liability Company (LLC) "Obschepit" (Public Catering), in charge of organizing school nutrition, revealed violations of the temperature regime during foodstuff storage, shelf life of cooked meals and sanitary and epidemiological requirements for using the equipment.

On the outcomes of inspections, for violating the sanitary-epidemiological requirements to organization of nutrition (Article 6.6 of the Russian Administrative Code) the LLC "Obschepit" was fined by 10,000 roubles, its director - by 2700 roubles.

Besides, for violating the legislation in the sphere of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population (Article 6.3 of the Russian Administrative Code) the Municipal Institution of Education "The Veshenskaya Secondary School" was fined by 10,000 roubles, and its director - by 1000 roubles, said the spokesman of the regional prosecutor's office.

Currently, the school is opened after disinfecting; the children were discharged from hospital.

Author: Olesya Dianova Source: CK correspondent

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