24 September 2011, 11:00

Tbilisi hosts another solidarity action with "Hercules" metallurgists

On September 23, in front of the UN Office in Tbilisi, the United Trade Unions of Georgia held a rally of solidarity with the detained workers of the "Hercules" Steel Works, located in Kutaisi.

As stated by Irakli Petriashvili, Chairman of the United Trade Unions of Georgia, the UN is an organization focused on protecting human rights. "Therefore, we demand that this authoritative international organization respond promptly to human rights violations at the 'Hercules'," said Petriashvili.

According to Tamaz Dolaberidze, President of Trade Union of Metallurgical, Mining and Chemical Workers, thanks to the help of international organizations and foreign friends, on September 24, the families of the arrested workers of the plant will receive 1000 laris (about 600 US dollars) each. Besides, they plan to set up a solidarity fund to accumulate money for helping jobless workers, the "News-Georgia" reports.

In its turn, the oppositional party "Free Georgia" has addressed the diplomatic corps accredited in Georgia with an appeal to pay attention to the developments at the "Hercules" Steel Works in Kutaisi and the situation of workers. The "Free Georgia" asks diplomats to show interest and assess the situation, the "Georgia-Online" reports.

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