Tanker "Mechanic Chebotaryov". Photo: http://crew-man.com/News/Allnews

13 October 2015, 12:56

Ramzan Kadyrov announces his involvement in liberation of Russian sailor in Libya

In Libya, Pavel Magatin, a watchman of the detained tanker "Mechanic Chebotaryov", has been liberated due to the mediation of Adam Delimkhanov, a State Duma MP. According to Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov, Pavel Magatin is already in Grozny. This is not the first attempt of Ramzan Kadyrov to interfere in international affairs: earlier, he has expressed his willingness to take part in the conflicts in Ukraine and Syria.

The Chechen leader has noted that the liberation of Pavel Magatin is a sign of good will demonstrated by the leaders of Libya. Ramzan Kadyrov has also expressed his confidence that the rest of the crew will be released soon.

He has noted that he sent his adviser Adam Delimkhanov to Tripoli to take part in the negotiations with the Libyan government. Adam Delimkhanov met Nouri Abusahmain, President of the New General National Congress of Libya.

On September 16, the tanker "Mechanic Chebotaryov" under the Russian flag was detained near the coast of Libya. 12 crew members, all citizens of Russia, were on board. The Libyan authorities suspected the tanker of smuggling Libyan oil, the RIA "Novosti" reports.

Earlier, on September 30, Ramzan Kadyrov offered to use the Russian ground forces in addition to the Russian air forces to combat the "Islamic State" (IS), recognized as a terrorist organization. The Chechen leader has expressed full support for the decision of Russian President Vladimir Putin on the use of air forces in the Syrian conflict.

Full text of the article is available on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’.

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