Syunik Region of Armenia. Photo: Ashot Arzumanyan

26 August 2021, 19:59

Incident on Armenian-Azerbaijani border requires Russian militaries' intervention

For several hours, Azerbaijani militaries blocked about 40 cars with residents of Armenia on the Goris-Kapan highway section, Arman Tatoyan, the Armenian Ombudsperson, has stated. Russian militaries have entered into negotiations in order to get people out of the blocked highway section.

The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that the Azerbaijani State Frontier Service announced an attack on a border guard committed in the territory of the "Gubadly" border-combat point located on the Gorus-Gafan (Goris-Kapan) highway. According to the Service, on August 25, two Armenian servicemen stabbed a border guard. In its turn, the Armenian Ministry of Defence (MoD) claims that no Armenian militaries took part in such incidents.

In the vicinity of the village of David Bek, Azerbaijani militaries stopped cars with Armenian citizens and surrounded the highway section. Families with children are among the passengers.

Naira Zograbyan, a former Armenian MP, wrote on the Facebook that the Armenian and Russian militaries managed to remove the blocked vehicles from the surrounded section.

The Azerbaijani militaries' actions resulted in a violation of civilians' right to free travel, Arman Tatoyan, the Armenian Ombudsperson, has emphasized on the Facebook.

This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on August 26, 2021 at 03:13 am MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

Author: Tigran Petrosyan Source: CK correspondent

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