24 August 2007, 19:36

Meeting on Anna Politkovskaya's birthday sanctioned in Moscow

The Moscow's Mayoralty has sanctioned a meeting on August 30 in Russian capital dedicated to the 49th birthday of Anna Politkovskaya, which falls on this day. The "Caucasian Knot" correspondent has learnt about it from Andrei Nalyotov, an activist of the Committee of Antiwar Actions and member of the Movement "For Human Rights," who is responsible for the action.

The meeting will take place on August 30, 2007, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. in the Novopushkinskiy Mini-Park.

The organizers of the action are inviting organizations and individuals willing to take part in preparation of the meeting to join the organizing committee for cooperation and to broadly disseminate the information about the time and place of the action in memory of Anna Politkovskaya.

The nearest session of the organizing committee is planned for Monday, August 27. To contact the committee, one should call the Movement "For Human Rights" by telephones 202-22-24 and 291-62-33, or by E-mail to the Antiwar Club: аntiwar-club@yandex.ru.

Author: Vyacheslav Feraposhkin, CK correspondent

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