06 January 2007, 22:10

Two Azerbaijani soldiers are still in Armenian captivity

Two soldiers of the Azerbaijani Army - Samid Mamedov and Eldaniz Nuriev, captured by the Armenian party on December 25 and December 31, accordingly, are still in Armenian captivity. The former is kept in Armenia, the latter - in Nagorny Karabakh.

The Azerbaijani Ministry of Defence is undertaking to release both soldiers, the correspondent of the "Caucasian Knot" was told at the press service of the Ministry. The officials have also noted there that the employees of the Armenian and Karabakh offices of the International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC) have already several times visited the captured Azerbaijani soldiers.

We note here that during the latest three weeks, three Azerbaijan soldiers have been captured by Armenians. The Armenian party asserts that soldiers are running away to them because of the hazing ("dedovschina") in the Azerbaijani Army. The Azerbaijani Ministry of Defence asserts that the soldiers "have lost the way in the fog."

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