22 August 2007, 22:28

Azerbaijan: health of "Eni Fikir" Youth Movement's chairman is worse

Ruslan Bashirli, Chairman of the "Eni Fikir" Youth Movement, who is kept at Corrective Facility No. 1 in Azerbaijan, has health problems. His father - Dzhalil Bashirli - told the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent about it and emphasized that Ruslan has stronger pains in the heart area.

D. Bashirli has complained that the prison administration would not take any actions to this end:

"From the date of his arrest, he had health problems - his kidneys ached and his brain injury was a problem. But they wouldn't take him to the medical establishment."

We remind you that R. Bashirli was sentenced by the verdict of the Court for Grave Crimes to 7 years in prison under Article 278 of the Criminal Code (a coup d'etat attempt). The basis for the arrest and subsequent trial of the "Eni Fikir" leader was a secretly filmed video, which allegedly fixed the fact of reception of money by him in Tbilisi from agents of Armenian special services. The money granted for purchase of office equipment was intended, according to the investigation, for a violent overthrow of the power.

Author: Zaur Rasulzade, CK correspondent

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