

March 01, 2021 13:25

March 01, 2021 11:22

March 01, 2021 11:10

  • Said-Mukhammad Djumaev in a courthouse. Screenshot: larisa_liza_'s Instagram post at Djumaev's relatives release video with him from courtroom

    Relatives of Said-Mukhammad Djumaev, a Chechen, arrested for a brawl with law enforcers at a rally in support of Alexei Navalny in Moscow, managed to talk to him in the courtroom and make sure that he received their parcels, it follows from the videos posted by them in social networks.

March 01, 2021 10:54

February 28, 2021 12:28

  • The spontaneous memorial of Boris Nemtsov in Krasnodar. February 27, 2021. Photo by Anna Gritsevich for the "Caucasian Knot" Spontaneous Nemtsov's memorial destroyed in Krasnodar

    Krasnodar activists have complained about the destruction of the spontaneous memorial of Boris Nemtsov 15 minutes after the end of their action. Passers-by were surprised that a large number of law enforcers were brought to a peaceful action without demands and posters.

February 28, 2021 12:20

  • The ending of the performance "Execution of Ceausescu, or Death to Traitors". Screenshot of the video Activists threaten Pashinyan with Ceausescu's fate

    Narek Malyan, the leader of the "Veto" movement, is accused of inciting violence for staging the execution of Romanian President Nicolae Ceausescu. He has admitted that the performance was addressed to the Prime Minister of Armenia, Nikol Pashinyan.

February 28, 2021 12:12

  • National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia. Photo © official website of the Armenian National Assembly Armenian analysts state the need to hold elections

    On February 26, in Yerevan, oppositionists, analysts and activists discussed the current political situation. The way out of the situation can be the holding of parliamentary elections and the creation of a new political force that will rally residents around and lead the country out of the crisis, the participants of the meeting believe.

February 28, 2021 11:59

  • Nika Meliya. Screenshot of the video Nika Meliya's arrest worsens Georgia's image in western eyes

    The European Union (EU) and the USA have reacted negatively to the special operation aimed to detain Nika Meliya, an opposition leader, in Tbilisi and his arrest, 26 Georgian NGOs have stated. The tough authorities' actions against the opposition may complicate integration into the EU and NATO, Kakha Gogolashvili, a political analyst, has stated.

February 27, 2021 23:51

  • At the site of the rally in Yerevan. Photo by Tigran Petrosyan for the "Caucasian Knot" Opposition supporters spend second night in Yerevan square

    The night at the venue of the action held in front of the parliament building in Yerevan passed without incidents; some 30 oppositionists stayed in the tent camp. Today, the opposition has planned another rally demanding resignation of Nikol Pashinyan.

February 27, 2021 23:48

February 27, 2021 12:37

February 27, 2021 12:32

  • Akhmed Pogorov at a rally in Magas on March 26, 2019. Screenshot of the video by Fortanga.Org on YouTube Rights defenders assess Pogorov's role in Ingush case

    The detention of Akhmed Pogorov, the co-chairman of the World Congress of the Ingush People, within the case of the rally in Magas in 2019 will not affect the trial of the protest leaders, since the trial has already shown the inconsistency of charges against activists, human rights defenders believe.

February 27, 2021 12:25

  • Houses in the dwelling settlement "Dream City" in Batumi. Photo by the press service of the Georgian Government Batumi: forced migrants complain about housing problems

    In Batumi, in the dwelling settlement "Dream City", they began building three houses for forced migrants, regional authorities have announced. However, residents are not sure that the houses will be completed amid the ongoing political crisis in Georgia, while the available housing facilities are completely unfit for living, forced migrants have complained.

February 27, 2021 11:27

February 27, 2021 11:19

February 26, 2021 23:59

February 26, 2021 23:57

February 26, 2021 23:51

February 26, 2021 21:40

  • Ilham Aliev. Photo by the press service of the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliev: all POWs transferred to Armenia

    Azerbaijan has handed over to Armenia all the military personnel captured during the combat actions in Karabakh, and only "saboteurs" remain detained in Azerbaijan, President Ilham Aliev announces.

February 26, 2021 21:15

  • An opposition supporter with the Armenian flag. Yerevan, February 25, 2021. Photo by Tigran Petrosyan for the "Caucasian Knot" Armenian President agrees to meet opposition

    The opposition marched from the building of the Armenian parliament to the residences of the President and Prime Minister. President Armen Sargsyan agreed to meet opposition representatives to discuss ways out of the political crisis in the country.

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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