

November 03, 2020 10:26

  • Memorial to the deported Karachays. Photo by the press service of the  Sakharov Center KChR activists claim authorities' poor attention to deportation victims

    Most of the Karachais, who survived the deportation, are maintained by their children, since their pensions are not enough to live on, said Marika Khubieva, the organizer of the "Contrary" Project. The Karachais, who has lost their parents due to the deportation, should receive benefits and other support, said Ibragim Shamanov, Director of the Scientific-Research Institute of the Karachay-Cherkessian Republic (KChR).

November 03, 2020 10:18

  • The camp near Kullar. Screenshot of the video by the "Caucasian Knot" Camp residents near Kullar to be to transferred to boarding houses

    Some 300 Azerbaijani citizens remain in the camp near Kullar; they will be accommodated in Dagestani boarding houses; and the camp tents will be dismantled with the onset of cold weather. In total, 1200 Azerbaijani citizens willing to return to their homeland have been registered in Dagestan, the operative headquarters under the Azerbaijani Cabinet of Ministers has informed.

November 03, 2020 09:59

  • A house damaged by shelling. October 27, 2020. Photo by Aziz Karimov for the "Caucasian Knot" Azerbaijan claims capture of eight villages in Karabakh conflict zone

    The Azerbaijani Army has occupied eight villages in the Djebrail, Zangilan and Gubadli Districts of Azerbaijan, President Ilham Aliev has stated on the Twitter. The Azerbaijani Ministry of Defence (MoD) has accused Armenia of shelling the city of Gubadli, which is controlled by Azerbaijani militaries.

November 03, 2020 09:44

November 02, 2020 23:57

  • A home damaged during shelling attacks in the city of Terter. October 19, 2020. Photo by Aziz Karimov for the "Caucasian Knot" Azerbaijani residents report damages after shelling attacks

    In the village of Shikharkh, where internally displaced persons (IDPs) live, most apartments have been damaged during shelling attacks. In the city of Terter, houses, shops, and schools have been destroyed, while in the village of Yukhary Giyameddinli, sheep have been killed, local residents report.

November 02, 2020 23:55

November 02, 2020 18:25

November 02, 2020 18:21

November 02, 2020 15:15

  • Week in the Caucasus: review of main events of October 26-November 1, 2020

    Third violated ceasefire agreement in the Karabakh conflict zone; coronavirus infection spread statistics in the Caucasus; parliamentary elections in Georgia; public outcry caused by Ramzan Kadyrov's statement about the French president; events in memory of victims of political repressions in Southern Russia, – see the review of these and other events in the Caucasus during the week of October 26-November 1, 2020, prepared by the "Caucasian Knot".

November 02, 2020 14:41

  • A captured man in the video identified himself as a mercenary trained in Turkey. Screenshot of the video Azerbaijan treats video with mercenary from Syria as fake

    Baku has treated the Armenia's statement about the capture in Nagorno-Karabakh of a mercenary from Syria fighting for Azerbaijan as falsified. In his turn, Khikmet Gadjiev, an assistant to the President of Azerbaijan, has stated that militants of the Kurdistan Workers' Party are fighting on Armenia's side.

November 02, 2020 14:39

November 02, 2020 14:36

  • The Memorial to the Victims of the Deportation opened up for public in the village of Uchkenen on May 2, 2014. Photo by Leonid Tarasyev Karachais' rehabilitation process frozen indefinitely

    Authorities fail to enforce the decree on helping the Karachais as a rehabilitated nation; for example, they have failed the gasification of some villages, Kady-Khodji Khalkechev, the head of the Congress of the Karachai People, has stated.

November 02, 2020 11:21

November 02, 2020 11:18

November 02, 2020 11:16

November 01, 2020 12:52

November 01, 2020 11:49

November 01, 2020 11:30

October 31, 2020 18:45

  • Aftermath of shelling attack on Stepanakert in the morning of October 31, 2020. Photo by Alvard Grigoryan for the Caucasian Knot Azerbaijan resumes shelling of Stepanakert

    Azerbaijani troops are shelling Stepanakert; the central marketplace and a residential area came under fire, rescuers have noted, adding that the data on victims is being specified.

October 31, 2020 18:03

  • Polling station in Tbilisi, October 31, 2020. Photo by Inna Kukudzhanova for the Caucasian Knot Georgian NGOs claim violations during election campaign

    In the course of the election campaign, brawls and scandals of supporters of the ruling party with the opposition were often registered in Georgia; administrative resources were used; attempts to bribe voters and put pressure on civil servants were recorded, the local non-governmental organizations (NGOs) has stated.

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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