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July 03, 2007 15:47

  • Peacemakers: situation in South Ossetia gets out of control

    The situation in the Georgia-South Ossetia conflict zone is growing still tenser; it is deliberately aggravated and can get out of control, lieutenant colonel Yuri Vereschak, commander's assistant of the Mixed Peacekeeping Forces (MPKF) in the Georgia-Ossetia conflict zone, has stated today.

July 02, 2007 19:31

July 02, 2007 18:05

July 02, 2007 17:36

July 02, 2007 15:12

  • UNESCO to protect Sochi nature reserves from 2014 Olympics

    The UNESCO World Heritage Committee on Natural Heritage and the World Conservation Union (IUCN) intend to dispatch an official expert mission for evaluating the condition of the "Western Caucasus", Russian object of the World Natural Heritage located in the vicinity of Sochi.

July 02, 2007 14:29

July 02, 2007 13:25

July 02, 2007 12:20

July 01, 2007 19:08

  • Visit of President Putin to the US

    President Putin is in Kennebunk, and whilst the local clam chowder restaurant translated their menu into Russian, the protesters demanded peace for Chechnya and compared Russian invasion to that of the situation in Iraq.

June 30, 2007 19:16

June 30, 2007 17:40

June 30, 2007 16:55

June 30, 2007 16:34

  • An oppositionist shoots at police in Azerbaijan

    Today morning, Nizami Ghuliyev, resident of Balakian and head of the local unit of the Democratic Party of Azerbaijan, has opened fire from a hunting rifle at police officers who came to his house. Nizami Ghuliyev, father of six children, has been unable to find a job due to political reasons.

June 30, 2007 15:47

June 29, 2007 21:29

  • International monitoring group confirms shelling of South Ossetia

    On June 29, the international monitoring group (comprising military observers from the Russian, Ossetian and Georgian parties and military monitoring officers of the OSCE Mission in Georgia) conducted their monitoring and confirmed the statement of South Ossetia about shelling of its territory from the positions of armed formations under President Saakashvili's control.

June 29, 2007 19:43

June 29, 2007 18:54

June 29, 2007 18:32

  • Lokshina: Russian militiamen lose professionalism in Chechnya

    Starting from the end of 2005, the Human Rights Centre "Demos" is implementing its inter-regional project "Drawing Public Attention to the Chechen Conflict from Viewpoint of Social Adaptation and Veterans' Professional Activities." On June 28, 2007, the results of almost two years of work were presented at the Human Rights Centre (HRC) "Memorial".

June 29, 2007 15:04

  • Deceived Stavropol shareholders return from Moscow

    Today, the delegation of deceived shareholders returns from Moscow, told Vladimir Prikhodkin, leader of the Stavropol Organization of Deceived Shareholders, and added that as a whole in Stavropol there are 25 construction objects with deceived shareholders.

June 29, 2007 14:30

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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