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June 25, 2007 11:22

June 24, 2007 00:45

June 22, 2007 20:05

June 21, 2007 17:45

  • Strasbourg condemns Russia again for murdering and torturing residents of Chechnya

    The European Court for Human Rights has found Russia guilty of murders and tortures of Chechen residents. Today in Strasbourg, the RF (Russian Federation) authorities lost the case "Bitieva and Kh. versus Russia." The "Caucasian Knot" correspondent was informed about it at the Human Rights Centre "Memorial," whose lawyers represented the applicants' interests at the European Court.

June 20, 2007 22:34

June 19, 2007 23:01

June 19, 2007 22:08

June 18, 2007 21:09

June 12, 2007 19:06

June 11, 2007 14:25

June 07, 2007 18:29

June 07, 2007 16:22

June 07, 2007 14:02

June 06, 2007 20:54

  • Court in North Ossetia refused to initiate a case against Beslan operative headquarters

    The Leninskiy District Court of Vladikavkaz (North Ossetia), having considered today the complaint of the victims who challenged the refusal of the Public Prosecutor's Office to initiate criminal cases against the members of the operative headquarters in charge of rescuing the hostages in Beslan on September 1-3, 2004, has confirmed the legality of the Office's position.

June 06, 2007 19:44

  • Sanakoev: water supply failure liquidated in South Ossetia

    Dmitri Sanakoev, administration head of the temporary territorial unit, has told journalists today that "the Edisi-Tskhinval water line failure in the Kekhvi-Tamarasheni section was liquidated yesterday: the pipe has been repaired, and now the water supply can be restored."

June 06, 2007 18:27

June 06, 2007 17:04

  • All-European action for giving out Maskhadov's body to his relatives for burial

    On Saturday, June 9, at midday GMT an international action will be held for giving out the body of President of Chechnya Aslan Maskhadov, assassinated by Russian special agencies, to his family. Simultaneous manifestations will take place in the capitals of Russia, Poland, Sweden, in cities of Austria, Norway, Germany, Denmark and other European countries.

June 06, 2007 16:37

June 05, 2007 21:29

  • Trepashkin refuses to have advocates

    The consideration by the Sverdlovsk Regional Court of the cassation complaint lodged by Mikhail Trepashkin against the ruling of the Nizhni Tagil District Court on toughening his custody mode that was pre-scheduled for tomorrow, June 6, will not take place.

June 05, 2007 20:05

  • 20 protesters detained in Stavropol

    Over one thousand persons took part in the non-sanctioned meeting that has started today in Stavropol at the building of the Territory's Government. The meeting was provoked by the murder on June 3 in the Territory's capital of two students - Dmitri Blokhin and Pavel Chadin (today at midday they were buried in the cities of Stavropol and Blagodarny).

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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