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February 12, 2004 12:16

February 12, 2004 11:18

February 12, 2004 11:11

February 12, 2004 10:49

  • UN bars Chechnya to aid workers

    The United Nations has told the Kremlin not to expect any increase in its or other aid agency staff in Chechnya until a kidnapped Dutch aid worker has been released.

February 11, 2004 23:27

  • Death penalty replaced with "slow death"

    During the six years since the abolition of capital punishment, at least 30 inmates serving life sentences and four prisoners sentenced to death who were subsequently amnestied, died, i.e. nearly every fourth.

February 11, 2004 21:17

February 11, 2004 17:32

  • Illegally detained residents of Avtury village set free

    In no more than an hour after the detention, the military tried to deny the fact itself that the young men were taken into custody. However there were witnesses who saw the detainees being conveyed to the territory of the former farm.

February 11, 2004 17:16

February 11, 2004 16:02

February 11, 2004 15:42

February 11, 2004 15:33

February 11, 2004 15:22

February 11, 2004 15:08

February 11, 2004 14:44

February 11, 2004 14:26

February 11, 2004 13:53

  • Rights of Sochi National Park defended in court

    Greenpeace Russia won in the Russian Supreme Court the suit to abolish the part of the resolution of the Russian Government by which it withdrew 33,222 hectares of land from the Sochi National Park (including 11,000 hectares of land of the reserved zone, where any economic activity is prohibited) and gave it to the Sochi All-Republican National Natural Reserve.

February 11, 2004 13:01

February 10, 2004 22:28

February 10, 2004 19:01

February 10, 2004 17:08

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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