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December 24, 2003 16:30

December 24, 2003 16:15

  • Workshop for teachers form South Federal District took place in Rostov

    The workshop "Modern Technologies of Teaching English" took place in Rostov-on-Don on December 15-20 within the framework of the All-Russian Festival "Ways of Hope". 50 young teachers from Adygeya, North Osetia - Alania, Karachaevo-Cherkessia, Dagestan, Kabardino-Balkaria, Ingushetia, the Volgograd and Astrakhan regions, and Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories were participants in the workshop.

December 24, 2003 15:59

  • "Christmas Chimes" charity action in Rostov region

    The action is aimed not only at presenting New Year gifts to children from families of scanty means, orphan children, under age delinquents, and children with limited physical and social abilities, but at instilling a spirit of mutual aid, mercy and humanism in those children.

December 24, 2003 15:58

December 24, 2003 12:00

December 24, 2003 11:40

December 23, 2003 23:29

December 23, 2003 23:01

  • Mediators do not have enough information on Karabakh conflict, stated confictologist Aleksandr Manasian

    An article of the well-known conflictologist Professor Aleksandr Manasian appeared in the Azat Artsakh newspaper, which is published in Karabakh. The author notes in his article that while the OSCE Minsk Group on the Karabakh settlement is trying to arrange a complicated series of meetings and visits to the region, the US-Russian organization "Dortmund Conference", which was established as early as the 1970s, has been arranging trilateral meetings of experts from Armenia, Azerbaijan and Nagorny Karabakh within the limits of people's diplomacy for three years already.

December 23, 2003 17:58

December 23, 2003 17:12

  • Rally against unification of Chechnya and Ingushetia thwarted in Nazran

    From early in the morning all access routes to Soglasiya Square in Nazran were blocked by police units that let no cars through. In 1993, thousands of people attended rallies there because of the Ingush-North Osetian disputes over the Prigorodny district and the republic's separation from Chechnya.

December 23, 2003 16:43

December 23, 2003 16:17

  • Congress of Women of Karachaevo-Cherkessia

    The key result of the meeting is that all women's NGOs in Karachaevo-Cherkessia united into the Association of Women of Karachaevo-Cherkessia. Congress participants approved a statute of the new organization and elected its board.

December 23, 2003 16:15

December 23, 2003 14:00

  • Chechen intelligentsia discussed republic's prospects for peace

    The round table "Peace Process: Myth or Reality" was held by the Chechen intelligentsia in Grozny on December 19. The aim of the event organized by the Lam cultural center was to discuss changes in the political situation in the aftermath of the presidential and State Duma elections in Chechnya.

December 22, 2003 20:51

December 22, 2003 20:48

December 22, 2003 18:39

December 22, 2003 18:17

  • Unknown individuals shot down policemen in Grozny

    According to the Interior Ministry, unknown individuals fired automatic weapons at the policemen in the Zavodskoy district of the city at 7:05 p.m. Moscow time last Sunday. An Interior Ministry operations major and his partner, a sergeant of the police force, were killed on duty.

December 22, 2003 18:10

  • 26-year-old woman hostage released in Chechnya

    The hostage, Oksana Bolshakova, was released in the course of the militia operation in the village of Shaami-Yurt. The woman was kidnapped in February 2003 in Budyonnovsk , Stavropol Territory and then taken to Kizlyar, Dagestan.

December 22, 2003 17:33

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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