16 October 2009, 18:00

Karastelyov: voluntary patrols on enforcement of "children's law" are fiction

In Novorossisk, appointment of "voluntary patrolmen" for making raids to reveal minors during the curfew reminds the Soviet system of allotments and actually turns into fiction, creating more inconveniences for patrolman appointed from among state employees than restricting in any way children's and teenagers' stay in the street during in dark hours. This is the opinion of Vadim Karastelyov, an expert of the Novorossisk committee on Human Rights (NCHR).

"People take part in the raids as if voluntarily. Some are even forced to sign some document on their voluntary participation. Although I haven't heard so far about any volunteer's application that he or she was forced to patrol. It turns out that one cab do everything with our people, even at their beggarly salaries in the budgetary sphere. Nobody wants to quarrel with one's boss, otherwise the boss will find a pretext to punish the servant heads that the heads under other pretext has not finished with the person," Mr Karastelyov said to the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.

"Directors also understand the illegality and arbitrariness, but they're 'on the hook' themselves of their bosses; therefore, for preserving their posts they have to send their subordinate employees to these raids. This post-Soviet phenomenon indicates that some restoration, at least in the reduced form, of the USSR system is quite possible," Vadim Karastelyov has added.

Author: Dmitry Florin Source: CK correspondent

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