10 October 2008, 12:09

In Dagestan, journalists of "Nastoyaschee Vremya" appeal against Judicial Board's decision

The journalists of the Dagestan weekly magazine named "Nastoyaschee Vremya" (Present Time) have appealed against the decision of the Judicial Board on Criminal Cases of the Supreme Court of Dagestan on cancelling the criminal case against Rizvan Rizvanov, Director General of the enterprise-founder.

On behalf of the victims, a corresponding complaint was lodged to the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Republic by lawyer Sergey Kvasov.

We remind you that on June 16 the Investigatory Committee of the Investigatory Department for the Kirov District of Makhachkala passed a statement to initiate a criminal case against Director General of the "Nastoyaschee Vremya" weekly Mr Rizvanov, under Article "Hampering lawful professional activities of journalists".

Then, a month later, the Court of the Kirov District of Makhachkala cancelled this decision for the absence of victims' representatives, and the Judicial Board of the Supreme Court upheld this decision. The Prosecutor's Office of Dagestan demands cancellation of these decisions as adopted through violation of the norms of the Code of Criminal procedure.

Author: Timur Isayev, CK correspondent

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