21 October 2008, 12:13

In Dagestan, "Time of Action" newspaper waits for results of linguistic examination

In Dagestan, on demand of the Republic's Department of "Rossvyazokhrankultura" (Federal Agency for Communication and Culture Protection Issues), a linguistic examination is underway of certain publications in the "Time of Action" newspaper, published in Derbent, for the presence of extremist statements in some of the articles.

"Until now, we're unaware who the initiator of the linguistic examination was," Magomed Khanmagomedov, editor-in-chief of the newspaper, told the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.

According to the information, received by the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent at the Republic's Department of the "Rossvyazokhrankultura", the examination was initiated by the Russian FSB Department for Dagestan.

Two articles, published in the "Time of Action" newspaper on July 24, 2008, entitled "Bloody Boys in the Eyes" and "Murderers in Masks", were presented for examination.

According to Mr Khanmagomedov, the article "Murderers in Masks" dealt with facts of arbitrariness which, in the opinion of the author of the article, are admitted by representatives of law enforcement bodies in the course of their special operations.

The publication "Bloody Boys in the Eyes" ran that "the federal authorities, if they actually wish to put things in order in Dagestan, should send fair auditors, not bribe-takers."

The editor-in-chief Magomed Khanmagomedov assumes that law enforcement bodies got interested in his newspaper after he had taken part in the rally against arbitrariness of power agents held on August 29 in Makhachkala.

Author: Oleg Ionov, CK correspondent

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