

April 18, 2013 23:30

  • In Baku, court refused to change Akhundov's custody for home arrest

    On April 17, the Nasimi District Court of Baku under the chairmanship of Judge Elnur Akhmedov considered the appeal lodged by Rashadat Akhundov, a board member of the civil movement "Nida" (Shout), asking to change his custody for home arrest. The court rejected the motion and left him behind bars.

April 18, 2013 23:10

  • Georgian MPs accuse Saakashvili of misuse of budget funds

    On April 17, the MPs from the "Georgian Dream" accused President Mikhail Saakashvili of spending much money from the secret budget of the Special State Security Service on entertainments, personal whims, as well as gifts. Saakashvili, in his turn, has noted that the financial expenses were aimed at improving the image of Georgia and attraction of investments.

April 18, 2013 23:00

  • The castle complex Vovnushki in the Djeirakh District of Ingushetia. Photo by Tatyana Ukolova for the "Caucasian Cknot" Caucasus leads in contest of Russian sights

    The castle complex Vovnushki in the Djeirakh District of Ingushetia and the mosque named after Akhmad Kadyrov "Heart of Chechnya" in Grozny are the leaders in the multimedia contest-project "Russia-10", designed to select the most popular attractions of the country. Besides, participants of the contest are actively voting for two other attractions in the Southern Russia - the temple "Golden Abode of Buddha Shakyamuni" in Elista and the Mamaev Kurgan with the sculpture "Motherland Calls" in Volgograd.

April 18, 2013 22:20

  • Experts: Esquire's "Rating of Extremism" shows weakness of Caucasian law enforcers and not real situation

    The "Esquire" magazine has published a list of Russian regions ranked by the number of extremist materials, included in the federal list of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation by decisions of the local courts. In this rating, Caucasus does not look the most extremist part of Russia. Experts believe that the rating does not reflect the real state of things and sooner indicates the problems in the work of law enforcement bodies than the level of prevalence of extremist moods and publications.

April 18, 2013 22:10

  • Politkovskaya's murder case on five defendants sent to GPO

    The Investigatory Committee of the Russian Federation (ICRF) has sent the criminal case against five defendants accused of murdering Anna Politkovskaya to the Russian General Prosecutor's Office (GPO) for confirmation of the indictment and transfer to the court.

April 18, 2013 22:00

April 18, 2013 19:00

  • Stavropol Court upholds verdict to convicts on Merekha's case

    On April 18, the Stavropol Regional Court dismissed the appeal complaint lodged by the former staff members of the OVD (Interior Division) sentenced to 3.5-6 years of imprisonment for abuse and violence against Vyacheslav Merekha, a detained local resident.

April 18, 2013 18:00

April 18, 2013 17:00

April 17, 2013 23:30

  • Radima Ezieva. Courtesy photo from Student's death of botulism considered by court in KBR

    At the trial of the case of the death of a student Radima Ezieva of botulism, colleagues of the defendant - Murat Bereketov, a physician of the Urvan District Hospital, - spoke in his defence. His advocate also thinks other doctors at the hospital should also respond for the girl's death.

April 17, 2013 23:00

April 17, 2013 22:40

April 17, 2013 22:20

April 17, 2013 22:10

  • Taganrog: case of 16 Jehovah's Witnesses sent to court

    The indictment against 16 members of the religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses, accused of extremism, has been sent to the court. Alyona Borodina, one of the advocates, told the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent about it.

April 17, 2013 22:00

April 17, 2013 21:00

  • Rights defenders demand to stop pressure on "Golos"

    Members of the Human Rights Council (HRC) of Russia issued a statement in support of several non-profit organizations (NPOs), in particular, of the Association "Golos" (Vote). According to their opinion, the accusations of the NPO of political activities cross out citizens' constitutional rights.

April 17, 2013 20:00

  • Gimry residents report explosions in their village

    As reported by the locals, during the day the village of Gimry, Untsukul District of Dagestan, was hit by several explosions. As reported by the spokesman of the Untsukul ROVD (District Interior Division), power agents blew up the hideout they found in the village; however, he did not specify the location of the hideout.

April 17, 2013 18:00

  • Abkhazian volunteers laying flowers at the boulder set in honour of the casualties victims of the 1992-1993 Georgian-Abkhaz conflict; Nalchik, Abkhazian Square, 1996, Courtesy of the magazine "Archives and Society", No. 18 Delegation of Abkhaz women visits families of victims of Georgian-Abkhaz conflict in KBR

    A delegation of women from Abkhazia has come to the Kabardino-Balkarin Republic (KBR) to visit families of the volunteers who perished during the 1992-1993 Georgian-Abkhaz conflict. According to Anzor Shorov, the chairman of the Union of Abkhaz Volunteers (UAV), the visit is an evidence of the resumption of contacts and warming up of the relations between the two republics.

April 17, 2013 17:00

April 16, 2013 23:50

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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