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August 08, 2009 06:00

August 08, 2009 05:00

  • Kochiyeva: residents of South Ossetia are dissatisfied with the quality of housing under construction

    Virtually all people who left South Ossetia during the last August events have returned, however, many of those who lost their houses at the time are living under very hard conditions now, while the construction of new housing is done very slowly and many people are dissatisfied with its quality, tells Inga Kochiyeva, resident of Tskhinval and correspondent of South Ossetia newspaper "Respublica", to the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.

August 08, 2009 03:00

  • Magomed Evloyev's family intends to boycott trial on his murder

    The victims in the case of murder of Magomed Evloyev, owner of the sight "Ingushetia.RU", intend to withdraw from the judicial process, states Musa Pliyev, the Evloyev's family lawyer. The lawyer is sure that the injured party will be right to boycott the trial which, according to Pliyev, more resembles a farce.

August 08, 2009 02:00

  • South Ossetia detains five citizens of Georgia for crossing its border

    On August 7, Yuri Tanayev, South Ossetia Minister of Defense, announced that five citizens of Georgia had been detained for illegal crossing the border in the area of Ossetia village of Disev located in front of the Georgian village of Koshka. In its turn, Georgia claims kidnapping of five shepherds near the village of Koshka.

August 07, 2009 23:50

  • Zakareishvili: Georgia has virtually no army

    The information on building up the military potential in Georgia is just propaganda, Georgia has virtually no army, it is demoralized, says Pata Zakareishvili, Georgian political scientist, to the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.

August 07, 2009 23:10

  • Case of attempt on Sulim Yamadayev to be tried in Dubai late in August

    The first court session on the case of attempt on Sulim Yamadayev, Hero of Russia, ex-commander of GRU special-purpose battalion "Vostok", committed on March 28 this year in the United Arab Emirates, is to be held in the criminal court of Dubai on August 31. Makhdi Lorniya, personal groom of Ramzan Kadyrov, citizen of Iran, and resident of Tadzhikistan Maksudzhon Ismatov will be tried.

August 07, 2009 23:00

August 07, 2009 22:10

August 07, 2009 22:00

August 07, 2009 21:00

  • Chechnya. Photo by Editor of newspaper "Marsho" in Chechnya complains about pressure of power authorities

    Representatives of power authorities in Chechnya have used threats to prohibit the editor of Urus-Martan district newspaper "Marsho" the printing of critical articles about the deceased patriarch Alexi II and South Ossetia president Eduard Kokoity. This has been relayed to the Human rights center "Memorial" by Said Khozhaliyev, the newspaper chief editor.

August 07, 2009 20:00

August 07, 2009 19:00

August 07, 2009 18:00

August 06, 2009 23:50

August 06, 2009 23:30

August 06, 2009 23:00

August 06, 2009 22:10

  • Killer shot at Yamadaev from a silent pistol "Gyurza"

    The killer, who attempted on Isa Yamadaev, a brother of Sulim Yamadaev, ex-commander of the "Vostok" battalion, on July 28 in Moscow, was armed with a silent pistol - firearm of special units of the GRU (Russian Military Intelligence) and FSB (Federal Security Bureau).

August 06, 2009 22:00

August 06, 2009 21:00

August 06, 2009 20:00

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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