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March 20, 2007 23:23

March 20, 2007 23:19

  • Trial of OMON pogromists of children's camp continues in Sochi

    Today, the Lazarevskiy District Court of the city of Sochi has continued the process on allegations of a group of OMON (special militia) fighters of exceeding their official powers with application of violence in the "Druzhba" (Friendship) children's camp last summer.

March 20, 2007 22:17

March 20, 2007 22:15

  • Abkhazian MoD accuses Georgia of provocation

    Sultan Sosnaliev, Abkhazian defence minister, has blamed as 'prevocational' the information of the Georgian party that "last night, two MI-24 combat helicopters and two SU-25 aircrafts flew into the Kodor Gorge from the territory of Abkhazia and remained over it for half an hour."

March 19, 2007 23:35

March 19, 2007 23:34

March 19, 2007 23:32

  • Armenia now receives gas from Iran

    On March 19, an opening ceremony of the Iran-Armenia gas pipeline was held with participation of Robert Kocharyan and Mahmud Ahmadinejad, presidents of Armenia and Iran.

March 19, 2007 22:58

March 19, 2007 22:53

March 17, 2007 22:59

  • USA helps Azerbaijan to fight avian flu

    As soon as the end of March, the United States will help Azerbaijan, within the framework of fighting the avian flu virus, in building special laboratories in 12 regions of the country and equipping them with the required equipment.

March 17, 2007 22:55

March 17, 2007 22:52

March 17, 2007 22:42

March 17, 2007 22:36

  • Abusers of Prophet Mohammed to be trialled in Azerbaijan

    The sitting of the Sabail Court of the city of Baku, capital of Azerbaijan, on the case of publicist Rafik Tagi and the editor of newspaper "Sanat" Samir Sadatoglu, accused of kindling religious enmity, will take place on March 19 under the chair of Judge Yusif Kerimov.

March 16, 2007 23:48

March 16, 2007 23:43

March 16, 2007 23:30

March 16, 2007 22:26

  • Orkhan Jemal: militia generates terrorism in Kabardino-Balkaria

    Orkhan Jemal, deputy editor-in-chief of the "Smysl" (Sense) magazine and an expert in North Caucasian problems thinks that the only improvement of the situation with terrorism in Kabardino-Balkaria is the replacement of the top management of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic.

March 16, 2007 22:16

  • Chechnya Prosecution Office investigates tortures in ORB-2

    President of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov announced at his meeting with journalists on Friday that the Public Prosecutor's Office was launching a criminal case on the facts of mockery and tortures at the Operations and Search Bureau (the so-called "ORB-2") of the city of Urus-Martan.

March 15, 2007 23:40

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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