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April 03, 2007 23:10

  • Georgia insists on closing Russian check points in Abkhazia and South Ossetia

    "Georgia has its position of principle in relation to Russia's joining the WTO, and it assumes legitimization of frontier-customs points and closure of illegal check points in the separatists' sections of Georgian-Russian border," Giorgi Arveladze, Minister of Economy of Georgia, has stated at a briefing upon termination of the sitting of Georgian government.

April 03, 2007 22:04

April 03, 2007 22:00

April 02, 2007 23:38

April 02, 2007 23:36

  • Ulman's group was denied additional psychological examination

    The Court has rejected the petition of the defence of Eduard Ulman, who is accused of executing local residents in 2002 in the vicinity of the Chechen village of Dai whom he found in a car, to subject the defendants to an additional forensic psychological examination.

April 02, 2007 23:33

  • Oreshkin: Russia pays high to Chechnya for its imperial mentality

    A couple of days are left till Ramzan Kadyrov's inauguration. Today, foreign newspapers write that this day will become the mourning day for all human rights activists in the world. In their opinion, a man involved in many crimes is becoming the official leader of Chechnya.

April 02, 2007 22:52

  • Shuttle van blown up in Azerbaijan

    On April 1 in the morning, a bomb exploded in a shuttle van ("marshrutka") on the route from Udzhar to Baku, capital of Azerbaijan. As a consequence, Ragim Askerov, 37, a resident of Hachmaz, who was carrying the bomb, was killed, and several passengers were wounded.

April 02, 2007 22:45

  • Head of Georgia's MIA again accuses Russia of bombarding Kodor

    On March 11, when bombarding the upper section of Kodor Gorge, military helicopters used Russian-made controlled shells model "Ataka" (Attack), Vano Merabishvili, Minister of Internal Affairs of Georgia, told in his interview to the "Rustavi-2" TV Company.

April 02, 2007 22:35

March 31, 2007 23:40

March 31, 2007 23:17

  • Opposition newspaper journalist beaten in Kalmykia

    On March 30, at 7 p.m., in the city of Elista (Kalmykia), at office of the Kalmyk Republic's Branch of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF), unknown persons attacked Vitaly Shulenin, editor of the "Leninskiy Puts" (Lenin's Way) opposition newspaper of the Kalmyk Republic's Branch (KRB) of the CPRF.

March 31, 2007 22:51

  • Erection of a mosque for Moslems of Krasnodar and Sochi is again debated in SFD

    This week, the plenipotentiary envoy of the Russian president to the South Federal District (SFD) has discussed with Moslems of Krasnodar Territory the issue of building a mosque for the parishioners from Sochi and Krasnodar, where the authorities have been unable to allocate land for the mosque cannot for more than ten years.

March 31, 2007 22:37

March 31, 2007 22:25

March 30, 2007 22:45

March 30, 2007 22:36

  • Former Pyatigorsk imam convicted but will remain at large

    The Pyatigorsk City Court has re-qualified the offences committed by Anton (Abdullah) Stepanenko, former imam of Pyatigorsk mosque, and Andrei Grudin, another convict in the case, from Article 163 of the Criminal Code (CC) of the Russian Federation (extortion) to Article 330 (arbitrariness).

March 30, 2007 22:28

  • Felgengauer: Kodor could be swept by Russian helicopters only

    At night of March 12, several villages of Kodor Gorge were bombarded by Russian helicopters, Paul Felgengauer, an independent military observer, asserts. The expert thinks that Abkhazia and Georgia have actually no aircrafts capable to fly in darkness.

March 30, 2007 22:23

March 30, 2007 22:12

  • Interrogation of Berezovskiy on Litvinenko's case is over in London

    In London, a meeting took place of entrepreneur Boris Berezovskiy with representatives of law enforcement bodies of Russia and Great Britain, where Mr. Berezovskiy gave evidence to Russian investigators on the murder case of Alexander Litvinenko, former Russian FSB (Federal Security Bureau) officer.

March 29, 2007 22:59

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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