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March 25, 2004 11:02

March 25, 2004 10:39

March 25, 2004 10:12

  • Azerbaijan president critical of OSCE Minsk Group

    "The Minsk Group's current approach and its position on settling this conflict cannot play a positive role since the group has restricted itself to merely monitoring the situation in Nagorny Karabakh," Ilkham Aliyev said.

March 24, 2004 18:07

  • Azerbaijan kidnappers detained in Moscow

    Four citizens of Azerbaijan who abducted a Palestinian have been detained in Moscow, reported the information and public relations division of the Moscow City Interior Department.

March 24, 2004 18:04

March 24, 2004 17:29

March 24, 2004 17:12

  • Stavropol rights defenders to consult draftees

    "We implement the project in spite of the fact that the Department of Justice in Stavropol Territory refused to register us on March 1," noted chairman of the Caucasian Youth Human Rights League Maksim Abrakhimov.

March 24, 2004 15:32

March 24, 2004 14:34

  • Amtsakhara movement accuses Abkhazian authorities of murdering its activist

    The Abkhazian social and political movement Amtsakhara accuses Abkhazian authorities of political terror and the murder of its activists Aleksandr Psardia. The movement's political council issued a statement in connection with the death of Psardia on March 23, in which it accuses the authorities of persecuting the opposition and terrorizing political opponents.

March 24, 2004 13:47

March 24, 2004 12:54

March 24, 2004 12:24

March 24, 2004 11:23

March 24, 2004 09:36

  • Anti-war meeting trial details

    On March 17, Moscow's Meshchansky District Court heard an administrative case against Nikolai Khramov, secretary of Russian Radicals and an organizer of a meeting for peace and democracy in Chechnya.

March 23, 2004 22:16

March 23, 2004 21:58

March 23, 2004 21:50

March 23, 2004 21:19

  • Both soldiers and civilians keep dying in Chechnya

    Two Russian soldiers were killed and five others injured when a radio-controlled mine exploded in the village of Tsa-Vedeno in the Vedeno district. Meanwhile, a 16-year-old schoolboy was killed and three others injured in Urus-Martan by an artillery shell launched by the Russian military.

March 23, 2004 20:22

  • Purges in Chechnya's Achkhoy-Martan district

    The purges were caused by the murder of Chersi Gatayev, deputy chief of the Achkhoy-Martan district police department, and his driver, Inderbiyev, which was committed by a group of unknown people on a road between the villages of Davidenko and Noviy Sharoy on March 19.

March 23, 2004 14:35

  • New victim of arbitrariness in Grozny streets

    The funeral of Ilyas Khatatayev was held on March 19 in the village of Serzhen-Yurt, Chechnya's Shali district. The man was killed by a gunman in camouflage uniform in broad daylight in the center of Grozny the day before.

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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