

June 03, 2013 21:56

  • Defendants in the case of attack on Nalchik go on hunger strike

    On Monday, at the trial of the attack on Nalchik on October 13, 2005, the defendant Murat Kashirgov said that several defendants had gone on hunger strike. According to Kashirgov, the protest was caused by the fact that the defendants' complaints remain within the SIZO and fail to reach the destinations.

June 03, 2013 21:04

  • In Azerbaijan, Ilgar Mamedov stops hunger strike in dungeon

    Ilgar Mamedov, the leader of the movement "Republican Alternative" ("ReAl") has stopped the hunger strike in the penalty chamber (dungeon), said his lawyer Khalid Bagirov. The information about Mamedov's hunger strike is not true, said Mekhman Sadygov, a representative of the Penitentiary Service.

June 03, 2013 19:55

  • Dockers stop their five-day strike in Batumi Port

    The strike held in the Batumi Port by employees of the company "Batumi International Container Terminal", who demanded higher wages and better working conditions, is over. The strikers demanded higher wage, to open a medical centre at the enterprise, and take measures to ensure labour safety.

June 03, 2013 19:05

  • Week in the Caucasus: review of main events of May 27-June 2

    Russian school graduates start taking their USEs, during which a number of violations were fixed in South of Russia; Makhachkala Mayor detained on suspicion of organizing a murder in Dagestan; Georgia protests against Russia's demarcation actions on the border with South Ossetia; establishment of the oppositional National Council of Democratic Forces of Azerbaijan prior to the upcoming presidential election; women's hunger strike demanding more places in kindergartens of Volgograd, – look these and other events in the Caucasus in the review of the week of May 27-June 2, 2013, prepared by the "Caucasian Knot".

June 03, 2013 15:36

  • Mayor of Makhachkala Said Amirov detained on suspicion of organizing murder

    As reported by Vladimir Markin, a spokesman for the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation (ICRF), the mayor of Makhachkala Said Amirov was detained on suspicion of organizing a murder of an investigator in Dagestan. On June 1, the police blocked Parkhomenko Street in Makhachkala and, according to eyewitnesses, surrounded the house of Said Amirov. A source from the republic's law enforcement bodies said that the mayor was detained and taken out of the city in a helicopter.

June 03, 2013 15:16

  • "Caucasian Knot" statistics casts doubt on data of US State Department on terrorism in North Caucasus

    The data on terrorist activity in Russia in 2012, published in the annual report of the US State Department, are essentially diverging from the data conducted by the "Caucasian Knot" on the basis of its own materials and information from open sources. The report of US State Department contains information about 182 terror attacks committed in Russia in 2012. Meanwhile, the statistics on the North Caucasus compiled by the "Caucasian Knot" shows a significantly lower figure.

June 03, 2013 15:13

  • In Baku, over 2500 receive symbolic EU passports

    The historical centre of Baku has launched a two-day festival "European Town", which has aroused a great interest in residents of the capital of Azerbaijan, the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent reports. The festival was held with the aim to expand the knowledge of European values and promote Azerbaijan-EU relations.

June 03, 2013 15:05

  • Picket against animal abuse in circuses held in Volgograd

    A picket under the motto "For Russian circus without cruelty" that was held on the embankment of Volgograd brought together about forty protesters. The "Caucasian Knot" correspondent has learnt from Tatiana Ryabinova, the organizer of the picket and coordinator of the "Vita" Centre in Defence of Animals' Rights, that the picket of 30 people had been agreed with the authorities.

June 03, 2013 15:00

June 03, 2013 14:51

  • Families of retired militaries fear eviction in Nakhichevan

    In the city of Nakhichevan, authorities are forcibly evicting nine families of retired militaries and veterans of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict from their apartments, the residents of the military township are complaining. "In 1987, we received a warrant for the apartment. Now, the authorities of Nakhichevan have brought the police here and demand to quickly abandon the flat," a veteran Abdullah Orudjov told the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.

June 03, 2013 14:33

June 03, 2013 14:28

  • Azerbaijan: arrested theologian Talekh Bagirzade placed in dungeon, his lawyer asserts

    The theologian Talekh Bagirzade, who is kept in the SIZO (pre-trial prison), located in the Baku suburb of Kyurdakhany, was put into a dungeon for five days. It happened on May 28 and was associated with the detainee's open appeal, addressed to leaders of foreign states and urging them to be "objective in assessing the situation in Azerbaijan," a Bagirzade's advocate said.

June 03, 2013 14:15

June 03, 2013 14:02

  • Azerbaijan: protesters against the ban on hijabs in schools convicted in Baku

    On Monday, the Nariman District Court in Baku sentenced six believers, who were arrested for taking part in the action against the ban on hijabs in schools, to the terms ranging from one year and nine months to six years in prison. Advocates of the convicted disagreed with the verdict and said that they would appeal against it.

June 03, 2013 13:45

June 03, 2013 13:26

  • 3000 people gathered in support of Soltan Semyonov in Karachaevsk

    On June 1, the city of Karachaevsk hosted a rally in support of its mayor Soltan Semyonov. Initially, an event to mark the Children's Day had been planned in the square in front of the city administration; however, it turned into a spontaneous rally in support of the mayor.

June 03, 2013 10:47

June 03, 2013 00:57

May 31, 2013 22:50

  • Socially vulnerable Tbilisi residents demand housing

    On May 30, in front of the Mayoralty of Tbilisi, vulnerable citizens held their protest, demanding to solve their housing problems. In response, a Mayoralty official said that the state has no money to fix the problem immediately.

May 31, 2013 22:40

  • The ANK protest in front of the Hotel "Marriott". Yerevan, May 31, 2013. Photo by Armine Martirosyan for the "Caucasian Knot" Zurabyan: international community has no interest in human rights in Armenia

    As stated by Levon Zurabyan, the head of the parliamentary faction of the Armenian National Congress (ANC), during a protest action in Yerevan, the international community is more interested in Armenia's geopolitical problems, rather than in the democratic situation in the country, while the activities of "foreign missionaries" cannot be considered satisfactory.

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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