

August 29, 2011 13:00

August 29, 2011 12:00

August 29, 2011 10:00

August 29, 2011 09:00

  • Residents of Achkhoi-Martan district of Chechnya suffered from flood

    The flood which happened in Chechnya on August, 27, because of a strong rise of water level in the rivers caused by pelting rains inflicted serious damage upon the town of Grozny and the settlement of Shaami-Yurt, Achkhoi-Martan district, where 20 private housing estates were waterlogged.

August 29, 2011 07:00

August 27, 2011 23:00

August 27, 2011 22:00

August 27, 2011 21:00

  • Islamists mark "Goodes Day" with protests in Baku

    On Friday, August 26, activists of the Islamic Party of Azerbaijan (IPA) and a group of its believers-supporters staged a protest action outside the mosque "Bibi-Eibat" in the south-eastern outskirt of Baku on the occasion of the "Goodes Day" (Jerusalem), which is marked this year on August 26.

August 27, 2011 19:00

August 27, 2011 18:00

  • European and Russian painters take part in international symposium in North Ossetia

    The Fifth International Arts Symposium "Alanika-2011" that opened on August 25 in Vladikavkaz has attracted masters of paintings, graphic arts, installation, and photo and video arts from Italy, Great Britain, France, Croatia, Poland, Ukraine, Israel and Azerbaijan. The republic is also visited by their colleagues from Moscow, Kaliningrad, Yekaterinburg and Makhachkala.

August 27, 2011 17:00

  • Sugar gets up in Armenia

    Yerevan shops have set up sugar prices by about 20% higher. Exporters attributed this rise to the growth of world sugar prices.

August 27, 2011 16:00

August 27, 2011 15:00

August 27, 2011 14:00

  • Ombudspersons to appear in Dagestani schools

    In Dagestan, the heads of municipal education departments are encouraged to introduce in schools positions of ombudspersons in charge of defending the rights of participants of the education process. This is stated in the letter signed by Natella Musaleva, Deputy Minister of Education of the Republic of Dagestan.

August 26, 2011 23:49

August 26, 2011 23:00

August 26, 2011 22:00

August 26, 2011 21:00

August 26, 2011 20:00

  • Ministry of Education: Chechnya sees acute shortage of teachers

    Chechnya suffers from deficit of educational institutions and lacks teachers. By the new school year the Republic's schools have more than 800 vacancies, the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent was told by a source from the Ministry of Education and Sciences of Chechnya.

August 26, 2011 19:00

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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