

September 15, 2011 22:50

  • RwB: freedom of press in Dagestan and Chechnya is no better

    Human rights defenders believe that over the past two years the situation with the freedom of the press in Northern Caucasus, has worsened. This was stated on September 14 at the Independent Press Centre in Moscow at the press conference "Northern Caucasus: Journalists and Rights Defenders in Danger".

September 15, 2011 22:40

September 15, 2011 22:30

  • Two residents of Volgograd Region diagnosed with anthrax

    The Regional Department of "Rospotrebnadzor" (Russian Federal Agency for Consumer Supervision) has reported that two residents of the village of Semichny, Kotelnikov District of the Volgograd Region, were hospitalized with the diagnosis of anthrax.

September 15, 2011 22:10

  • Escherichia coli detected in dry rations given out to children who got poisoned in Anapa

    As reported today by Oleg Tushmalov, the head of the Moscow Interregional Investigatory Department for Transports of the Investigatory Committee of the Russian Federation (ICRF), the dry food kits, which had been given to the children who returned from a summer camp in the Krasnodar Territory and were hospitalized en route, the coliform bacillus was detected.

September 15, 2011 22:00

September 15, 2011 21:00

September 15, 2011 20:00

September 15, 2011 19:00

September 15, 2011 18:00

September 14, 2011 23:10

  • Deputy head of Stavropol administration is suspected of abuse of power

    Vladimir Elichev, Deputy Head of Administration of the city of Stavropol and Director of the Town-Planning Committee, is suspected of abuse of power. As reported by the press service of the Chief Department of the Russian MIA for the North-Caucasian Federal District (NCFD) operative agents believe that Elichev had broken the order of granting land plots, owned by the municipality, in favour of some particular company.

September 14, 2011 23:00

  • Week in the Caucasus: review of main events of September 5-11

    Acquaintance visit to the Caucasus of Philippe Lefort, the newly appointed EU Special Representative for Southern Caucasus and Crisis in Georgia; youth educational forums in the Rostov and Astrakhan Regions; mass brawls - prevented and not - in the Stavropol Territory; setting up of former militants' adaptation commission in Ingushetia, - look these and other events in the Caucasus in the review of the week of September 5-11, 2011, prepared by the "Caucasian Knot".

September 14, 2011 23:00

September 14, 2011 22:40

September 14, 2011 22:30

September 14, 2011 22:10

September 14, 2011 22:00

September 14, 2011 21:00

  • Baku rights defenders and reporters state suppression of civil activism in NAR

    The absence in the Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic (NAR) of civil activism and violations of human rights have been stated by rights defenders and journalists from Baku, who visited the NAR on September 12. They spoke about it on September 13 at the press conference held in the Azerbaijani capital at the Institute for Reporters' Freedom and Safety (IRFS).

September 14, 2011 20:00

September 14, 2011 19:00

  • Residents of Karachay-Cherkessia complain of infringement of their religious freedom

    Residents of Khabez district of the Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia state that policemen regularly come to their houses, carry out searches without explanation of the reason and take them to police department where they are interrogated, their fingerprints are taken and the policemen take written statements from those interrogated that they are not Wahhabis.

September 14, 2011 18:00

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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