

February 11, 2013 16:42

  • Week in the Caucasus: review of main events of February 4-10

    Pre-election situation in Armenia: presidential candidates hold hunger strikes, refuse to take part in the election and try to delay it; non-sanctioned action of nationalists in Stavropol that ended with mass detentions; Putin's inspection of Olympic sites of Sochi that revealed breaks of deadlines of certain objects; resignation of Mayor of Maikop Mikhail Chernichenko, who moved to the post of advisor to the head of Adygea, – look these and other events in the Caucasus in the review of the week of February 4-10, 2013, prepared by the "Caucasian Knot".

February 11, 2013 16:00

February 11, 2013 15:00

February 11, 2013 14:00

February 09, 2013 22:00

February 09, 2013 20:00

  • In Georgia, monument to Stalin desecrated

    At night on February 8, in the village of Dideba near Tbilisi, unidentified persons painted the monument to Stalin in pink. In Georgia, since the beginning of the year, this is the third similar incident with regard of monuments to Stalin.

February 09, 2013 19:00

February 09, 2013 18:00

February 09, 2013 17:00

February 09, 2013 16:00

February 09, 2013 15:00

February 09, 2013 14:00

February 08, 2013 23:30

February 08, 2013 23:00

February 08, 2013 22:30

February 08, 2013 22:00

  • Annual report of Georgian President postponed because of protest action

    Participants of the protest action of former political prisoners and their supporters, who demanded the resignation of Mikhail Saakashvili, did not allow the MPs from the President's entourage to enter the building of the National Library, where the Georgian leader was to deliver the report.

February 08, 2013 21:00

February 08, 2013 20:00

  • Dagestani resident reports on his kidnapping and torture

    Alibek Mirzekhanov, a resident of the city of Derbent, claimed that he was kidnapped, tortured and beaten by law enforcement agents. The young man has recorded a video message and addressed it to the Mayor of Derbent, Chief of the GUVD (City Interior Division), the new leader of Dagestan, and the Russian President.

February 08, 2013 19:00

February 08, 2013 18:00

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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