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December 25, 2009 21:00

  • Evkurov: fight against corruption in Ingushetia is fruitless

    The war on corruption in Ingushetia is a failure because of "dishonesty and indecency" of certain judges, President Yunus-Bek Evkurov has stated. At the same time, Vladimir Ustinov, Plenipotentiary of Russian President in the Southern Federal District (SFD), praises the efforts of the President of Ingushetia who "actively works with the population" and treats him as a positive example of how to act in order to make the "state power work for the society."

December 25, 2009 20:00

  • Batumi, Adzharia (Georgia). Photo by the "Caucasian Knot" In Adzharia, owners of TV-25 to discuss their debt with Ombudsman of Georgia

    On December 26, in Batumi, journalists of the oppositional channel TV-25 will present documents to the Ombudsman of Georgia Georgiy Tugushi, on the basis of which they will try to write off their debt, which threatens to stop the channel. The "Caucasian Knot" correspondent was told about it by Merab Merkviladze, owner and director of the TV company.

December 25, 2009 19:00

December 25, 2009 19:00

  • Dagestan, Derbent. Photo by Yaraliev: Dagestan authorities hamper enforcement of judgement on Derbent election

    One of the candidates to the post of Mayor of the city of Derbent, former public prosecutor of Dagestan and now the head of the Suleiman-Stalskiy District Imam Yaraliev has expressed his satisfaction with the decision of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Dagestan (RD), according to which the outcomes of the election in Derbent were nullified.

December 25, 2009 18:00

  • Azerbaijan, Baku. Photo by IMR states impairment of freedom of speech in Azerbaijan

    Today, the Institute of Media Rights (IMR) has presented its 2009 report on the situation with the freedom of expression in Azerbaijan, which notes that the situation with the freedom of speech in the country "remains poor, and Azerbaijan is behind many countries by this indicator," as Leila Madatli, the IMR's spokesperson, said at the presentation of the report in the Baku Media Centre.

December 25, 2009 17:00

December 25, 2009 16:00

  • Armenian Nature Ministry returns 118.4 million drams to the budget

    As reported by Minister Aram Arutyunyan, the checks conducted by his Ministry of Nature Protection this year have revealed over 700 violations in the spheres of fauna and flora protection, protection and use of water bodies and illegal felling. As a result of the checks, the Ministry has returned 118.4 million drams back to the state budget.

December 24, 2009 23:15

December 24, 2009 22:14

December 24, 2009 21:46

  • Observers find municipal elections in Azerbaijan non-free and non-democratic

    The municipal elections on December 23 in Azerbaijan were accompanied by rough violations of the law and, consequently, cannot be regarded as free, democratic and fair. This is asserted in the primary statement of the Centre for Monitoring Elections and Training in Democracy (CMETD) adopted on the monitoring results of the election campaign.

December 24, 2009 20:19

  • Movsisyan: Armenia is interested to export energy to Turkey

    In the near future, should the Armenian-Turkish border get opened, Armenia will be able to export electric power to Turkey. Armenia is interested in this export to the neighbour, where the energy deficit is high. This was stated by Armen Movsisyan, Minister for Power and Natural Resources of Armenia.

December 24, 2009 20:00

December 24, 2009 18:28

December 24, 2009 18:00

December 23, 2009 23:20

  • Gayane Khachatryan: Armenian political prisoner Mikaelyan can be early relieved

    The current legislation assumes a mechanism of early relief of prisoners in case of a heavy disease, which prevents any further stay in prison. Lawyer Gayane Khachatryan told about it to the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent in her comment on the chances to get amnestied because of state of health for the Armenian political prisoner Sasun Mikaelyan.

December 23, 2009 22:58

December 23, 2009 22:03

  • Vladimir Ustinov: in 2009, count of terror acts in SFD is much higher

    In 2009, the number of crimes, which can be regarded as terror acts, committed in the south of Russia, went up by almost one third as compared with 2008; thus, during 11 months of this year, 786 such crimes were committed. This was stated on December 22 by Vladimir Ustinov, Plenipotentiary of Russian President for the South federal District (SFD).

December 23, 2009 21:43

  • Official Tskhinvali protests against detention of South-Ossetian woman in Georgia

    In Tbilisi, Khatuna Charaeva, a resident of the Leningor District of South Ossetia, was detained with 30,000 counterfeit US dollars on her. Boris Chochiev, Plenipotentiary of President of South Ossetia on post-conflict settlement, said that "the Georgian authorities have started applying a new method of creating intolerable life conditions for the population of the area."

December 23, 2009 21:00

  • Azerbaijan: opposition states falsification of elections

    In the evening on December 23, Azerbaijan finalized its municipal elections. They were attended by 1,462,070 voters, or 31.86 percent of the voters' list. As reported by Ramin Guseinov, head of the centre named "Elections", the outcomes are still unknown.

December 23, 2009 20:00

  • Another local disappears in Kabardino-Balkaria

    The Kabardino-Balkarian human rights centre was approached by Lydia Zhangurazova, a resident of Verkhniaya Zhemtala village, Cherek District, Kabardino-Balkaria, who said that her son Islam Zhangurazov, 23, went for his evening pray to the mosque on Sunday, December 20, but never reached the mosque.

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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