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November 07, 2009 20:00

November 07, 2009 19:00

November 07, 2009 18:00

  • Oppositional action held in capital of Georgia

    A manifestation of supporters of the opposition and NGO activists took place in Tbilisi. The participants of the action stood against the course of the present authorities of Georgia. About 500 persons took part in the action.

November 07, 2009 17:00

  • Bomb blows up in Makhachkala bar

    Today, at about two o'clock in the afternoon, an explosion took place in the centre of the capital of Dagestan. According to the preliminary data, several persons were wounded.

November 07, 2009 16:00

November 07, 2009 15:00

November 07, 2009 12:00

  • Armenian opposition to offer ways out of economic crisis

    Members of the Armenian National Congress (ANC) have reported that they have their own programme of measures for getting out of the economic crisis and promised to publish it in the near future. The Congress has stated that the 2010 budget draft is just a statement of the authorities' blunders and short-sightedness, and a good pretext for resignation.

November 06, 2009 23:00

November 06, 2009 21:00

  • Gannushkina: deportation of Georgians from special facility of Archangelsk depends on Georgia

    According to Russian legislation, the two citizens of Georgia, who are keeping hunger strike in a special detention facility of the city of Archangelsk, can stay there for a year pending deportation, unless the Georgian party accelerates the process of their exclusion. This was stated by Svetlana Gannushkina, a member of the board of the International Human Rights Centre "Memorial".

November 06, 2009 20:00

November 06, 2009 19:00

November 06, 2009 18:00

November 06, 2009 17:00

November 06, 2009 14:00

November 06, 2009 13:00

  • Dagestan now has 12 swine flu patients

    As of November 5 in Dagestan, twelve infections with A/H1N1 virus were laboratory confirmed. The chief medical sanitation officer of the Republic Dagestan has ruled to put several school classes and higher school group under quarantine.

November 06, 2009 10:00

November 06, 2009 09:00

November 05, 2009 23:00

November 05, 2009 22:00

  • DFMS of Archangelsk: Georgia itself delays exclusion of its citizens

    Citizens of Georgia Nikoleishvili and Khubunaya have been kept for a long time already in the special detention facility of the Interior Department of the city of Archangelsk pending exclusion from Russia because the Georgian party protracts granting documents required for the procedure. This was stated by Sergey Safronov, senior inspector for special missions of the Department for the Archangelsk of the Russian Federal Migration Service (FMS).

November 05, 2009 21:00

  • Human rights activist Khachukaev brought to Chechnya

    Arbi Khachukaev, head of the public organization from Grozny named "Pravo" (Law), who was detained today in Moscow, was convoyed by air to Chechnya, as reported by one of his human rights colleagues. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) of Chechnya, the reason of detention was that he is suspected of taking part in an armed assault in the territory of the republic in 2008.

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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