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November 02, 2009 21:00

November 02, 2009 20:00

  • Eyewitness of Maksharip Aushev's murder cannot testify yet

    The health condition of Tauzela Dzeitova, the main witness of Maksharip Aushev's murder, who received wounds, when Aushev's car was shelled in Nalchik, remains grave. This was stated by Shamil Kudaev, deputy chief physician of the Republic's Clinical Hospital of Nalchik. The woman is still in resuscitation ward.

November 02, 2009 19:00

November 02, 2009 18:00

November 02, 2009 17:00

  • Cars burnt down in plenty in Volgograd Region

    In October, over 20 cars burnt down in Volgograd. Militiamen believe that half of the cases were deliberate arsons. In this way the companies, which claim debts from their borrowers, punish them, the militia think.

November 02, 2009 16:00

November 02, 2009 12:00

  • Dagestan, Makhachkala. Photo by the "Caucasian Knot" Murad Salikhov kidnapped in Dagestan found dead

    Zagra Kazimagomedova, wife of Murad Salikhov, 24, who was kidnapped in the capital of Dagestan on October 29, has informed the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent that her husband was identified among the bodies in the Makhachkala morgue.

November 02, 2009 11:00

November 02, 2009 10:00

  • Malakhat Nasibova in the Norwegian city of Bergen. Photo by Azerbaijani journalist receives Rafto Prize

    On November 1, in the Norwegian city of Bergen, Azerbaijani journalist and human rights defender Malakhat Nasibova was decorated with the prestigious Rafto International Award in the field of human rights for 2009.

November 02, 2009 09:00

November 02, 2009 06:00

November 02, 2009 02:00

October 31, 2009 20:00

  • MIA reports liquidation of Emir of flatland Chechnya

    Ali Khasanov, Emir of flatland Chechnya and close ally of Chechen militants' leader Doku Umarov, was killed in Grozny. According to Chechen Interior Minister Ruslan Alkhanov, President Ramzan Kadyrov took his personal part in the special operation.

October 31, 2009 19:00

  • In Dagestan, Koran phrases appear on baby's body

    The phenomenon of the nine-month-old Ali Yakubov from the Dagestan village of Krasnooktiabrskoe, on whose body phrases from the Koran appear, are seriously discussed by local representatives of Muslim clergy and politicians. The house of the Yakubovs is visited by pilgrims who wish to see the wonderful child and touch him.

October 31, 2009 18:00

October 31, 2009 16:00

October 31, 2009 15:13

October 31, 2009 13:00

  • Five swine flu cases registered in Dagestan

    In Makhachkala, the capital of Dagestan, five swine flu patients (virus А/Н1N1) have been revealed, one of them was hospitalized, as reported by the Republic's branch of "Rospotrebnadzor" (Federal Agency for Consumer Supervision).

October 31, 2009 12:11

  • Abkhazia, Sukhumi, a sketch of the monument to victims of political repressions. Photo by the "Caucasian Knot" Abkhazia commemorates victims of Stalin repressions

    Every year on October 30, Abkhazia marks the memory of Stalin's victims. According to historians, in 1930-1940s a thousand persons were repressed in Abkhazia, first of all, intellectuals and the political elite.

October 31, 2009 11:00

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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