

April 16, 2012 22:00

April 16, 2012 21:00

April 16, 2012 20:00

April 16, 2012 19:00

  • A local resident got injured during an explosion in Sochi

    According to more precise data, an explosive device of about 200 gram trotyl equivalent power was activated near a shop in Sochi in the evening of April, 15. One person got injured, a source in law enforcement bodies of the city informed today.

April 16, 2012 18:00

  • Oleg Shein. Photo by Ivan Rotanov for the "Caucasian Knot" Sheiyn appealed to court about violations at 173 polling stations of Astrakhan

    Ex-nominee for Mayor's office of Astrakhan Oleg Sheiyn submitted a lawsuit to Kirov district court of the city demanding nullification of the election of Mayor of Astrakhan held on March, 4, this year. In his lawsuit he reported violations at 173 polling stations of the city, the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent informs.

April 14, 2012 23:30

  • In Astrakhan, SR announces conditions for Oleg Shein to stop his hunger strike

    The former candidate for the Mayor of Astrakhan Oleg Shein can start a gradual exit out of the hunger strike, if after watching the videos from the election of the Mayor of Astrakhan, Vladimir Churov, the head of the Russian Central Election Commission (CEC), makes a statement that the hunger-strikers' lawsuit has prospects, said Nikolai Levichev, Chairman of the "Spravedlivaya Rossiya" (SR) (Fair Russia) Party.

April 14, 2012 23:00

April 14, 2012 22:30

April 14, 2012 22:10

April 14, 2012 22:00

April 14, 2012 21:00

April 14, 2012 20:00

April 14, 2012 19:00

April 14, 2012 18:00

April 13, 2012 23:20

  • A fixed-route taxi with a strikers' slogan and Oleg Shein's election poster, Astrakhan, April 13, 2012. Photo by Elena Grebenyuk for the "Caucasian Knot" Stolyarov promises to employ jobless Astrakhan taxi drivers

    Today, the Mayor of Astrakhan Mikhail Stolyarov has met the protesting fixed-route taxi drivers, who demand to preserve their Gazel mini-vans in the city transport network, and promised soon to solve the problem of their employment. The protesters were invited for a meeting in the building of the regional administration to address all the issues of their concern.

April 13, 2012 23:10

April 13, 2012 23:00

  • Residents of Astrakhan rallying at the City Administration on the day of arrival of Sergey Mironov and Nikolai Levichev, Russian State Duma Deputies from "Spravedlivaya Rossiya" (Fair Russia) to hunger-strikers, Astrakhan, March 31, 2012. Photo by Eugenia Zarinsh: Russian State Duma refuses to discuss hunger strike in Astrakhan

    At today's session, the majority of State Duma MPs have refused to support the proposal of the parliamentarians from the "Spravedlivaya Rossiya" (SR) (Fair Russia) Party to put the special report of the parliamentary group which visited the Astrakhan hunger-strikers in late March on the agenda of the plenary session.

April 13, 2012 22:50

April 13, 2012 22:40

April 13, 2012 22:30

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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