

April 05, 2012 13:00

  • Human rights defenders ask Russian president to pardon political prisoners

    On April 4, human rights activists and figures of culture sent an appeal to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev with a request to pardon those from the so-called "lists of political prisoners". On February 8, the organizers of the rally "For Fair Elections" conveyed the list of people whom they consider to be political prisoners to Mikhail Fedotov, the Chairman of the President's Council on Human Rights. Dmitry Medvedev instructed the General Prosecutor's Office (GPO) to study the sentences passed to the figurants of the list.

April 05, 2012 08:00

  • Oppositionists in Azerbaijan got a permission of holding a meeting on April, 8

    The authorities of Baku suggested the civil movement for democracy “Public Chamber” (CMDPC) to hold their meeting on April, 8, in a parking lot of a driving school in the settlement of Baiilovo, South-Western suburb of Baku. During the action of protest its participants will demand to carry out democratic reforms in the country.

April 04, 2012 23:00

April 04, 2012 22:00

April 04, 2012 21:00

April 04, 2012 20:00

April 04, 2012 19:00

April 04, 2012 18:00

April 04, 2012 17:00

April 04, 2012 15:00

  • Antonina Mayevskaya’s relatives in Sochi identified her dead body

    Today relatives of murdered widow of a well-known cultural figure Joseph Mayevsky Antonina Mayevskaya identified her dead body in the morgue of the city of Sochi, Krasnodar region. Investigator Maxim Bogdanovich and attorney of Mayevskaya’s relatives Igor Kurochkin were present at the identification.

April 04, 2012 08:00

April 04, 2012 08:00

April 03, 2012 23:00

April 03, 2012 22:00

April 03, 2012 21:00

  • Action against energy drinks held in Tskhinvali

    Today, the central square of Tskhinvali hosted an action, where the participants protested against the spread by the retail network of South Ossetia of the so-called "energy drinks", as well as against sale of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products to minors.

April 03, 2012 20:00

  • Resident of Krasnodar Territory complains of torture by police

    The Investigatory Committee of the Russian Federation (ICRF) has started a check of the video appeal posted on the Internet by Sergey Medvesh, a resident of the village of Varenikovskaya, Crimea District, who claims that policemen had raped him with a bottle of vodka.

April 03, 2012 19:00

April 03, 2012 18:00

April 03, 2012 17:00

April 03, 2012 16:00

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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